Tourist Insults Me in Italian, Then Asks for Directions - AITA for Refusing to Help?

Unsplash | Josh Hild

Imagine getting insulted in a foreign language by a tourist who then asks you for directions. This is exactly what happened to one traveler in Italy. The incident raises questions about how to respond to insults and whether it's appropriate to refuse help afterward. Join us for a discussion on the moral dilemma faced by the traveler and share your own insights. Be sure to read until the end to see the surprising twist in the story.

Mistaken for a local in Italy, but should insults be ignored?

simplordx69 | simplordx69

Tourist insults local in Italian, gets called out for bigotry 😠

simplordx69 | simplordx69

Tourist insults OP in Italian, gets caught and begs for help

simplordx69 | simplordx69

Standing up to a rude tourist - to help or not?

simplordx69 | simplordx69

Navigating cultural insults while providing help - AITA judgment pending.

simplordx69 | simplordx69

Tourist insults local, asks for help - AITA for refusing?

Traveling to a new country can be exciting, but when someone mistakes you for a local and insults you, it can be a challenging experience. This is what happened to one Redditor in Naples, who was insulted by a tourist in Italian before being asked for directions. Instead of helping the tourist, the Redditor chose to call him out on his behavior and refused to offer assistance. Now, the Redditor is questioning whether they overreacted. Should they have just ignored the insult and helped the tourist anyway? Join the discussion in the comments below.

NTA- Insulting someone in their language then asking for help? No way 🙅‍♀️

sallysailing | sallysailing

Giving wrong directions to rude tourist? NTA, that's satisfying! 😂

N0K1K0 | N0K1K0

Don't insult me and expect my help. NTA 🙅‍♂️

Naijprincess | Naijprincess

Tourist insults OP, gets lost and no help - NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Tourist insults OP in Italian, then asks for help 😒 NTA for refusing.

Lovesoljah | Lovesoljah

Taking the high road 🛣️. NTA for calling out rudeness.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Refusing to help an insulting tourist - NTA 💁‍♀️

kylecs7637 | kylecs7637

Commenter supports poster and acknowledges societal pressure to comply. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter admits to being AH but suggests a humorous alternative

[deleted] | [deleted]

Tourist insults person in Italian, gets called out in Swahili. NTA.

Otherwise_Window | Otherwise_Window

Don't insult people with developmental disorders. NTA for refusing.

honk--- | honk---

Standing up to bad behavior: NTA embarrasses Italian tourist 👏

sezit | sezit

Tourist insults commenter in Italian, gets refused directions - NTA

mochidog12 | mochidog12

Petty revenge is a dish best served with fake directions 😈

Etranger- | Etranger-

Tourist insulted OP but asks for directions? NTA for refusing

Isawonline | Isawonline

Respectful response to insult in foreign language at work ☕️

FullGrownHip | FullGrownHip

👍 Not all who wander are lost, but he definitely is. #NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Speaking the language has its perks 😉

Nutmegan-0 | Nutmegan-0

Not the a-hole! Let's not reward rude behavior 😒👎

Giggle_interrupted | Giggle_interrupted

Don't mess with the locals 🙅‍♂️🗺️

not_levar_burton | not_levar_burton

Blonde American speaks Spanish, shuts down rude Italian tourist 😍

Slp023 | Slp023

Multilingual tourist learns not to insult locals - NTA 👀

lifetooshort4bs | lifetooshort4bs

Revenge is best served in the form of wrong directions 😈 NTA

bishopredline | bishopredline

Standing up to language snipers like a boss 👏🏼 NTA

Firm_Pomegranate_246 | Firm_Pomegranate_246

Commenter refuses to help rude tourist - NTA 🤷‍♂️

CybertronGuy98 | CybertronGuy98

Don't judge a book by its cover 👉 NTA stands up to rude tourist.

ilikelisticles51 | ilikelisticles51

Refusing to help a rude tourist - NTA 😎

Fearless_Act_3698 | Fearless_Act_3698

🤔 Not much context, but seems like a clear judgment

nubert_the_king | nubert_the_king

Don't mess with the locals 😤👊

Retlifon | Retlifon

Redditors believe tourist deserves to be shamed for insulting OP 😠

0bsessions324 | 0bsessions324

Standing up to rude tourists like a boss! 👊

zomgkittenz | zomgkittenz

Revenge is a dish best served in Italian 🍝 NTA

ComfortableEmu7791 | ComfortableEmu7791

Sassy suggestion sparks laughs: give wrong directions 😂🗺️

Crisis_Redditor | Crisis_Redditor

No sympathy for bigots. OP is NTA! 🙅

UnderstandingAway302 | UnderstandingAway302

Tourist insults OP in Italian, gets denied directions. 🤷‍♂️

Hetalias99 | Hetalias99

Standing up to rude tourists - NTA 👍🏼

junknowho | junknowho

🤣 Refusing the insulting tourist? Definitely not the a-hole! 🙅‍♀️

SqualorTrawler | SqualorTrawler

Instant karma served! 👏 NTA, you did good, darling.

Moist-Reference3092 | Moist-Reference3092

Tourist insults local, gets karma - NTA 🙌

dxlliris | dxlliris

Tourist insults OP, gets what he deserves - NTA

PennykettleDragons | PennykettleDragons

Body language speaks volumes, insulting someone is easy to read 🤨

CaligoAccedito | CaligoAccedito

Tourist insults OP in Italian, uses ableist slur, gets refused help. NTA 👍

Threadheads | Threadheads

Tourist insults OP, gets denied directions. NTA, justice served.

joefred111 | joefred111

When a tourist insults you, should you help them? 😒🤔

vonMemes | vonMemes

Insulting locals and asking for help? NTA stands ground 🙅

TsukaiSutete1 | TsukaiSutete1

Standing up for yourself in a foreign language - NTA 🙌

SolarPerfect | SolarPerfect

Deserved response to insulting tourist 🙌

LoopyMercutio | LoopyMercutio

Don't insult me in Italian and then ask for directions 🙄

lllrk | lllrk

Standing up to disrespect - NTA 🙅‍♀️

Bootyblaster15463 | Bootyblaster15463

Refusing to help a tourist who insulted you in Italian 😒

katherinemma987 | katherinemma987

Commenter accuses OP of lying - YTA or NTA?

Andurilthoughts | Andurilthoughts

Tourist insults OP, then asks for help. OP refuses. NTA 🤷‍♀️

primeirofilho | primeirofilho

No obligation to help a rude tourist. 🤷‍♂️

Dontjudgelove | Dontjudgelove

Refusing a rude tourist? NTA 🙅‍♀️

Environmental_Arm526 | Environmental_Arm526

You go, NTA! 🙌 Refusing to help was justified.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Tourist insulted OP but expects help - NTA for refusing 🚫🗺️

Oddish197 | Oddish197

👍 Standing up to rude tourists - NTA wins

Resagarden | Resagarden

Good on you for standing up to rude tourists! 👍

macarni | macarni

Multilingual tourist gets shut down - NTA 👏🏼

Suzume_Chikahisa | Suzume_Chikahisa

Refusing rude tourists? NTA 💁‍♀️

Inside-Resolve3423 | Inside-Resolve3423

Tourist insults local, gets what he deserves - NTA

Willy3726 | Willy3726

Refusing to help a rude tourist - NTA 🚫👨‍🦲🗣️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Italian tourist insulted, OP refused to help - NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't reward bad behavior with directions 🚫🗺️

ExtraFancyPaprika | ExtraFancyPaprika

Commenter is NTA, but could have been less harsh 😬

Pyesmybaby | Pyesmybaby

This NTA comment had us laughing 😂

CuteBat9788 | CuteBat9788

Classy response to a rude tourist - NTA 🙌

asskicker1762 | asskicker1762

Everyone agrees: NTA NTA NTA NTA NTA!!! 🙌

Beefyspeltbaby | Beefyspeltbaby

Sometimes, the world needs an AH 😏

curtman512 | curtman512

Good riddance! 🙅‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Handling insults in a foreign language like a boss 💪

redheadofdoom | redheadofdoom

Kindness prevails 🙌 NTA for not helping the insult-hurler

LunetThorsdottir | LunetThorsdottir

Polite revenge? NTA for refusing to help insulting tourist 🌍

WolfsniperYT | WolfsniperYT

Savage response! 😂

OurLadyOfCygnets | OurLadyOfCygnets

Be the bigger person - help the rude tourist 🌍👍

earmares | earmares