He Wants Her in Adult Diapers, She Wants Another Drink! 🍸😬 Couple Clashes Over Bed Wetting Woes

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a real doozy of a story for you today. 😳 Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, only to find yourself soaked in your partner's pee! 🛌💦 That's the reality for our poor protagonist, a 26-year-old man whose girlfriend has been wetting the bed more and more frequently. 😱 He's tried everything from cleaning up after her to suggesting adult diapers, but nothing seems to be working. 🍼 Is his girlfriend's love for the bottle to blame? 🍺 Or is there something deeper going on? 🧠 Let's dive into this pee-soaked tale and find out! 👇

🚨 Bedwetting Bombshell: Girlfriend's Nightly Accidents! 😱

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🛌 Midnight Misery: Cleaning Up After Her Accidents 🧽

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🌅 Rude Awakening: Soaked in Urine at Dawn 😖

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😠 Soggy Snuggles: Girlfriend Tries to Cuddle in Pee 🤢

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😢 Urine-soaked Upset: Girlfriend Storms Off 🚶‍♀️

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🍺 Booze Blame: Is Alcohol the Culprit? 🤔

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🚫 Addiction Suspicion: Should Alcohol Be Banned? 😬

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👶 Diaper Dilemma: Adult Diapers Suggested 🍼

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😳 Embarrassment Eruption: Girlfriend Refuses Diapers 🙅‍♀️

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😤 Pee-ved Partners: Both Upset Over Situation 😠

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🧽 Cleaning Conundrum: OP's Ironic Job 🧹

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😩 Frequent Cleanings: OP Fed Up With Pee-Soaked Life 🛏️

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🧠 Mental Health Matters: Girlfriend's Other Issues 😔

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❤️ Love is Blind: OP Stays Despite Red Flags 🚩

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🧗‍♀️ Uphill Battle: Getting Girlfriend to Help Herself 💪

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😱 Pee-Soaked Problems: Can This Relationship Survive? 🚽💔

Well, well, well... it looks like our protagonist is in quite the pickle! 🥒 His girlfriend's bedwetting has become a regular occurrence, and he's at his wit's end. 😩 Despite his best efforts to clean up after her and suggest solutions like adult diapers, 👶 his girlfriend refuses to budge. She's adamant about her right to drink before bed, 🍺 even if it means waking up in a puddle of her own pee. 🌊 Our protagonist is starting to suspect that there might be a deeper issue at play, like a potential addiction or mental health struggles. 🧠 But despite all the red flags, 🚩 he's determined to stick by her side and help her through her problems. ❤️ After all, love is blind... and apparently, it's also willing to put up with a lot of pee. 😅 Let's see what the internet has to say about this messy situation! 👀

Concerned commenter questions woman's indifference to bed-wetting situation. 🤔

BookkeeperHefty2143 | BookkeeperHefty2143

Refusing to sleep in the same bed as a bed-wetting alcoholic 🛌💦

7thatsanope | 7thatsanope

NTA commenter suggests medical help for bedwetting couple.

gusfogensa | gusfogensa

NTA. Concerned about bedwetting, but GF needs counseling for alcoholism. 👍

stogie-bear | stogie-bear

A concerned comment about the couple's future due to alcoholism 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Responsibility in relationships is crucial. 💔

zukolover96 | zukolover96

Acknowledging the deeper issues behind the mattress problem. 🙏

Less_Seaworthiness_7 | Less_Seaworthiness_7

Alcohol-induced bedwetting, NTA but needs medical or alcohol help 🍺💊

Equivalent_Parking_8 | Equivalent_Parking_8

Caring commenter suggests medical help for bed wetting alcoholic partner.

shepassedthebeautyon | shepassedthebeautyon

User calls out white knight syndrome in a blunt way

bookandworm | bookandworm

Partner's bedwetting and alcohol abuse causing relationship conflict. NTA.

RipenedFish48 | RipenedFish48

Addressing underlying issues, quitting alcohol and seeking medical advice recommended.

SantaPachaMama | SantaPachaMama

Wearing adult diapers is less embarrassing than bed wetting? 🤔

DreadGrrl | DreadGrrl

Disagreement over hygiene standards causes tension in relationship. 😑

lovemycake | lovemycake

Loving someone with addiction problems is hard. You can't fix them. 😢

DoubleBreastedBerb | DoubleBreastedBerb

User accuses OP of being an enabler and hookup seeker 🤔

beanbagmouse | beanbagmouse

Invest in heavy duty mattress protectors and double-layered bedding. NTA.

Yep_OK_Crack_On | Yep_OK_Crack_On

NTA suggests fixes for bed-wetting, seeks advice for autistic son.

19niki86 | 19niki86

Partner's excessive drinking and bed-wetting concerns. 🍸💦 NTA, but seek help.

PleaseCoffeeMe | PleaseCoffeeMe

Time for an ultimatum: find a solution or new GF. 🙃

Menard42 | Menard42

Encouraging advice for a delicate situation. 👍

iceawk | iceawk

Concerned comment recommends seeking professional help for bed wetting issue.

AggravatingResult549 | AggravatingResult549

Encourage her to see a doctor for incontinence issues 👨‍🎓

Nightwing907 | Nightwing907

Don't be a white knight. She doesn't want to be fixed. 🙅

Ok-Meaning-1307 | Ok-Meaning-1307

Enabling an alcoholic, NTA needs to help for best 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Insightful comment on alcoholism and addiction denial. 👍

Dumbassahedratr0n | Dumbassahedratr0n

Partner won't address bed wetting, NTA for wanting solution. 🙅

Cat_got_ya_tongue | Cat_got_ya_tongue

NTA. Supportive partner vs. disgusting, selfish girlfriend. 🤯

shoujikianna | shoujikianna

Reality check: Drinking and bedwetting won't get better. 🍻💤💦

Thefeetus | Thefeetus

Germaphobe's nightmare! OCD triggers over bed wetting. 🤯

Skaifaya | Skaifaya

Separate beds may solve this bed wetting clash. 🙂

louiseannbenjamin | louiseannbenjamin

A mortifying bed-wetting experience turns into a couple's clash. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

User warns OP against savior role in bedwetting adult relationship. YTA.

fuckedupfruitloop | fuckedupfruitloop

Being supportive and helpful. Purewick may be a better option.

DrWhoop87 | DrWhoop87

Sleeping in separate beds might solve their issues. 💤

SnooSuggestions2288 | SnooSuggestions2288

An insightful comment on addressing the root issue of bed-wetting.

TeamChaos17 | TeamChaos17

Alcohol vs Bedwetting: Who's really at fault here? 🍸💦

shemjaza | shemjaza

Approaching the issue with care and concern is important 🙏

MaryJane_Green | MaryJane_Green

Spurning her partner's request, wetting the bed, NTA wins.

handydandy2020 | handydandy2020

NTA. Concerned about partner's addiction and bedwetting, suggests seeking help.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA suggests getting a new girlfriend due to bed wetting.

MizzyvonMuffling | MizzyvonMuffling

Encouraging response to NTA, offering support and advice. 👏

sparklestarshine | sparklestarshine

Pregnant and peeing, understands the need for adult diapers. NTA 🙌

Mom-atm | Mom-atm

NTA suggests couple eliminate alcohol together and see a trustworthy doctor 👨‍🎓

whatnowredditworld | whatnowredditworld

NTA suggests sleeping in a different bed and finding solutions.

grog189 | grog189

Concerned comment advises GF to see doc and stop drinking 🚫🍷

Wise-Boysenberry-214 | Wise-Boysenberry-214

Drinking problem causing bed-wetting, NTA suggests options and evaluation. 👍

Evil_Mel | Evil_Mel

Partner regularly peeing on you in bed? NTA suggests sleeping separately. 😑

Zeditha | Zeditha

Setting boundaries in relationships is crucial. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Concerned commenter advises rethinking relationship over bizarre bed-wetting request.

oldwhitebitch | oldwhitebitch

🚨 WARNING: Leave the alcoholic partner before it's too late. 🚨

stupiduselesstwat | stupiduselesstwat

Partner's bedwetting issue causing relationship problems and embarrassment.

Neravariine | Neravariine

NTA wants GF to seek help for bedwetting and alcoholism.

DiligentPenguin16 | DiligentPenguin16

Partner is NTA but enabling behavior, suggests hands-off approach.

DramaGirl6155 | DramaGirl6155

NTA suggests getting help for girlfriend's bed-wetting and alcoholism

RepresentativeOk5968 | RepresentativeOk5968

A nurse offers medical insight on bed-wetting, suggesting possible causes 💡

annekaRN | annekaRN

NTA suggests ditching the bottle or wearing a diaper 💧

tonks-lupin1313 | tonks-lupin1313

Advice on seeking medical help and addressing alcoholism concerns 👨‍🎓

Ok-Pomegranate-3018 | Ok-Pomegranate-3018

NTA suggests consequences for bed-wetting partner's drinking habits. 👀

Nowork_morestitching | Nowork_morestitching

👏 NTA suggests treatment for alcoholic partner's bed wetting issue.

Double_Reindeer_6884 | Double_Reindeer_6884

NTA comment highlights girlfriend's alcoholism and offers advice 🤔

Maximoose-777 | Maximoose-777

Alcoholism and bed wetting, NTA empathizes and offers advice.

Haunting-Ad-2572 | Haunting-Ad-2572

Concerned commenter suggests medical help for partner's alcohol-induced bedwetting.

Lolobecks | Lolobecks

Encouraging advice to seek professional help for bed wetting.

AwkwardAquarian | AwkwardAquarian

NTA commenter advises on addiction and offers good luck wishes.

rat_marhar | rat_marhar

Supporting someone who won't change is tying yourself to dead weight 👍

FlashyMastiff | FlashyMastiff

Alcoholism and bed-wetting: tough love or leave the relationship? 🤷‍♀️

ArticleAlarming1123 | ArticleAlarming1123

Choosing your own happiness is noble, not self-abuse 🙌🏻

magicalliopleurodon | magicalliopleurodon

Recognizing red flags and setting boundaries for a healthy relationship. 👌

tomboybarbie | tomboybarbie

NTA suggests tough love for partner's alcoholism and bedwetting.

StepRightUpMarchPush | StepRightUpMarchPush

NTA shares personal experience with bed wetting and offers advice.

partylecki | partylecki

OP refuses to share bed with bed-wetter who won't wear diaper. NTA 😱

ConsistentCheesecake | ConsistentCheesecake

Engaging reply to an alcoholic bed-wetting problem with helpful suggestions 👍

battle_bunny99 | battle_bunny99

NTA, but both need treatment for alcoholism and codependency. 👍

ItsWithTwoEs | ItsWithTwoEs

Waterproof covers and separate beds: solutions for bed-wetting woes. 🚫

Yaymeimashi | Yaymeimashi

Respectful NTA who understands boundaries, relationship advice 👍

Quirky_Bumblebee_461 | Quirky_Bumblebee_461

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