Man Tells Girlfriend "I'm Dating the Wrong Friend" - In Front of THAT Friend! 😱

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🚨 Uh-oh, looks like someone's in hot water with their girlfriend! 😬 Meet our mystery man, a self-proclaimed steak and red wine aficionado who just couldn't resist cracking a joke at his girlfriend's expense. 🍷🥩 But little did he know, his attempt at humor would land him in some serious trouble with his lady love. 😳 Buckle up, folks, because this story is about to get juicy! 🍿

🍷 Steak & Red Wine Lovers Unite! 🥩

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

🎂 Birthday Bash Brings Trouble 😬

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

😈 Beth the Badmouther Strikes Again

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

🍽️ Dinner Dilemma: Steak vs. Seafood 🦞

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

🍷 A Joke Gone Wrong 😅

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

🗣️ Gossip Girl: Beth Edition 💅

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

🤔 AITA for the Ill-Timed Joke? 🙊

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

😬 Pushing the Joke Limit Too Far

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

🍤 Making Amends with Seafood & White Wine 🍷

aita_wasiwronginthis | aita_wasiwronginthis

A Joke, a Jab, and a Jealous Girlfriend Walk Into a Bar... 😬

Our mystery man thought he was being funny when he joked about "dating the wrong friend" after noticing that Beth, his girlfriend's frenemy, shared his love for steak and red wine. But his girlfriend was NOT amused, fearing that Beth would spread rumors about her boyfriend's supposed interest in her. 😱 Now, our guy is left wondering if he's the a-hole for his ill-timed joke or if his girlfriend is overreacting. 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama!

Deliberately disloyal boyfriend insults girlfriend's friend in public. YTA 😠

Dangerous_Beans74 | Dangerous_Beans74

YTA for telling your GF you should date someone else 😬

pnutbuttercups56 | pnutbuttercups56

Brutal but funny comment, predicting the girlfriend's possible reaction.

aria523 | aria523

YTA throws neg-grenade, denies responsibility for drama 😱

aspermyprevious | aspermyprevious

Partner was clearly in the wrong, YTA 🤦‍♀️

borkybprkyvahs | borkybprkyvahs

Be careful with jokes, they can cause insecurities. YTA 😕

_daniellejj | _daniellejj

Man jokes about dating wrong friend, called out as YTA.

DarkRogus | DarkRogus

Gender double standards called out in dating joke gone wrong 😓

PossumJenkinsSoles | PossumJenkinsSoles

Dump his a**! He publicly humiliated his girlfriend for Beth 😡

Misspunkag1984 | Misspunkag1984

User calls out OP for being insensitive and dismissive. 🤨

Pepper_777 | Pepper_777

Insulting your girlfriend's friend? YTA for sure 😑

Citychic88 | Citychic88

Man humiliates girlfriend in front of friend, YTA 😱

Chrestys | Chrestys

Being called out for sexist remark - YTA in denial 🤷‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't joke about dating the wrong person at 6 months, YTA 😒

SadderOlderWiser | SadderOlderWiser

YTA gets called out for asking if he's TA 😂

lilEve77 | lilEve77

User calls out YTA for openly saying he's dating the wrong friend in front of her. 😬

Atwuin | Atwuin

Dating tip: don't insult your girlfriend's friend in front of her 🙈

[deleted] | [deleted]

YTA with a harsh wake-up call and no sympathy 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

A brutal comment with a touch of humor and empathy 😂

[deleted] | [deleted]

Yikes! Commenter warns the AH boyfriend to make it right 😱

0dHero | 0dHero

Unnecessary and unkind comment, food choices don't determine compatibility. 😔

bookshelfie | bookshelfie

Mocking comment calls out YTA in a humorous way.

wikideenu | wikideenu

Dating the wrong friend? You're the AH! 😬

txbxndx | txbxndx

User calls out OP for disregarding girlfriend's feelings and advice

aspermyprevious | aspermyprevious

YTA. Joking about dating someone else in front of girlfriend's friends 😬

Snoo5911 | Snoo5911

YTA! 'I'm dating the wrong friend' - not cool bro 😑

SnooOnions1038 | SnooOnions1038

YTA. Stand up for your gf and fight Beth if needed! 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Admitting fault publicly can create new insecurities. YTA confirmed.

WamiWami | WamiWami

Ouch! The commenter doesn't hold back on calling out OP's behavior.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Calling out your girlfriend's friend as a better date? YTA 🤬

idontreallycarewh | idontreallycarewh

Dump-worthy YTA insults girlfriend, hopes she dumps him 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

YTA gets called out for embarrassing his girlfriend in public.

chipperhipper | chipperhipper

YTA for making a dumb joke that hurt your girlfriend.

FrenchFryeRoom261 | FrenchFryeRoom261

Redditor criticizes man's lack of tact and choice of words.

Lorelei7772 | Lorelei7772

Ouch! The comment section is not holding back. 🤭

WhenYouAreLost | WhenYouAreLost

Dating the wrong friend joke falls flat, YTA. 🤯

Crestelia | Crestelia

YTA for humiliating your girlfriend in front of her friends 😕

Cocoasneeze | Cocoasneeze

Captain America calls out public negging. YTA, work on yourself.

LesserLoreNerd | LesserLoreNerd

Dismissing valid issues is not cool, YTA 👎

TwiceUponADecember | TwiceUponADecember

Insulting your girlfriend's food choices? YTA and deserve breakup 💯

IWishIWasACatPile | IWishIWasACatPile

Oof, YTA! Why would you say that in front of her friend? 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Girlfriend's insensitive joke hurts boyfriend's feelings about friend circle

Jannnnnna | Jannnnnna

Bad joke or flirting? YTA for embarrassing your girlfriend 😔

SnooCookies10 | SnooCookies10

Calling out rude behavior: YTA comment with no replies

Warm_Candy_8332 | Warm_Candy_8332

YTA! You knew she had issues with this girl 😒

JenantD80 | JenantD80

No second chances for this disrespectful boyfriend. 😡

trailofglitter_ | trailofglitter_

A scathing insult leaves no room for redemption 🤬

Different_States | Different_States

YTA for saying the 'hated girl' in front of everyone 😱

cuntist | cuntist

Stop being mean. Your 'jokes' aren't funny, just hurtful. Take responsibility.

kittensandcookies | kittensandcookies

Making jokes at your girlfriend's expense? Not cool, YTA.

SecretDevilsAdvocate | SecretDevilsAdvocate

Publicly disrespecting your girlfriend? YTA and it's not cool 😑

allthingskerri | allthingskerri

First impressions are everything. YTA should've kept it to yourself 🤭

LadyStonio | LadyStonio

Insulting your girlfriend in front of friends? YTA big time 😱

witchysusie | witchysusie

YTA for an insensitive joke, should have gone with something else 😕

smushy_face | smushy_face

Calling out YTA's insensitive 'joke', think before you speak!

Mrhcat | Mrhcat

Dump-worthy behavior according to this commenter! 💯

Keely-SL | Keely-SL

Calling your girlfriend's friend the wrong one? YTA for sure.

Ok_Point7463 | Ok_Point7463

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