Family DEMANDS Teen Give Up Dream School for Cousin's Sake! 😱

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🔥 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of two cousins battling it out for the chance at a top-notch education! 🎓 Our determined protagonist has worked her butt off to secure a spot at a prestigious residential school, but there's a catch... Her cousin applied too, and now the family is in an uproar! 😱 Is our hardworking heroine a cold-hearted dream stealer, or is she just chasing her own ambitions? 🤔 Let's dive into this drama-filled saga and find out! 🍿

🌟 A Tale of Two Cousins: The Battle for Education! 📚

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😞 The Struggle is Real: Subpar Education Woes

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🎉 Hard Work Pays Off: Acceptance and Financial Planning

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😱 Plot Twist: Cousin's Crushed Dreams

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💸 Money Troubles: Cousin's Acceptance Turns to Disappointment

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🤔 Am I the Villain? Knowing Cousin's Situation

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🎓 Eyes on the Prize: Focusing on My Future

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😡 Family Fury: Accusations of Heartlessness

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🚫 Pressure to Give Up: Family's Demands

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❓ AITA? The Ultimate Question

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🙏 Gratitude for the Support

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Family Feud: Cousin's Crushed Dreams Spark Outrage! 🔥

It seems our ambitious go-getter has found herself in quite the pickle! After pouring her heart and soul into securing a spot at her dream school, she's now facing the wrath of her entire family for supposedly stealing her cousin's thunder! The cousin, unable to afford the tuition, is accusing our protagonist of being a cold-hearted b**ch for rubbing her success in her face. The family is demanding she give up her hard-earned opportunity to spare her cousin's feelings, but is that fair? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama!

Celebrating success despite unhealthy sibling rivalry 👏

riritreetop | riritreetop

Don't give up your education over jealousy! Chase your dreams! 🙌

Geek_is_my_chic | Geek_is_my_chic

Don't sacrifice your dreams for someone else's emotions. NTA.

Luna-Strange | Luna-Strange

You earned it! Don't give up on your dream! 👏

HKFukIt | HKFukIt

Don't let anyone drag you down! You worked hard! 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Opportunity earned fairly, family's shortcomings not your fault. NTA 👍

MySonPorygon137 | MySonPorygon137

Stand up for your dreams and education! 📚💪 NTA.

Amara_Undone | Amara_Undone

Don't let parents reject school offer for cousin! You deserve it! 😊

shettyyyyy | shettyyyyy

Don't let them steal your dreams! NTA 🙌

Kettlewise | Kettlewise

Don't sacrifice your dreams for someone else's unfortunate circumstances! 👏

bamf1701 | bamf1701

Girl stands up to entitled family, pursues dream school. 💪

scandic2020 | scandic2020

Follow your dreams, not your relatives. NTA 🙌

Laramila | Laramila

Stand up for yourself and pursue your dreams! NTA 💪

Calliope5586 | Calliope5586

Follow your dreams, not someone else's insecurity! 😎

InternalShort7439 | InternalShort7439

Deserving of dream school, don't put life on hold for jealousy 🙌

sad-sardine | sad-sardine

Prioritize your education, don't worry about it 👍

MarsWater5 | MarsWater5

Don't let family guilt-trip you into giving up your dreams! 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Go for your dreams, don't let others hold you back! 🚀

Sheephuddle | Sheephuddle

Follow your dreams and work hard to pay the tuition! 💪

iHeal4Coffee | iHeal4Coffee

You shouldn't give up your dream for someone else's limitations! 🙌

notAgirl77 | notAgirl77

Don't let anyone guilt-trip you. You earned your dream 🎓

rogueybearbear | rogueybearbear

Don't let anyone hold you back from your dreams! 👏 #NTA

candles_0904 | candles_0904

Supportive comment about not giving up dreams for others.

reddituserjl | reddituserjl

Follow your dreams, not your cousin's shortcomings. 👏

Yellowsunflowerlover | Yellowsunflowerlover

Suggest they chip in for cousin's education. NTA, go chase dreams! 👏

Direct_Candidate_454 | Direct_Candidate_454

Don't sacrifice your dreams for someone else's. 👏

HotSalt3 | HotSalt3

Don't set yourself on fire to keep her warm. 🔥

BoundaryStompingMIL | BoundaryStompingMIL

You earned your spot, don't let them guilt you 🎓

Dogismygod | Dogismygod

Take the opportunity guilt-free, not everyone has the same privileges. 👍

FireEbonyashes | FireEbonyashes

Toxic family? Cut them off and go for your dreams! 💪🏼

[deleted] | [deleted]

You're not the a-hole for pursuing your dream school 👏

Dana07620 | Dana07620

Education shouldn't be a sacrifice for someone else's feelings. 💪

Smiley-Canadian | Smiley-Canadian

Toxic family demands sacrifice for cousin's finances. NTA for refusing.

MsDontKnowItAll | MsDontKnowItAll

Don't let her steal your dream 👏 #NTA

PlushieTushie | PlushieTushie

Supportive comment encourages financial independence and education pursuit. 👏

motheroftwocuties | motheroftwocuties

Follow your dreams and pay it forward 👏

gold_dusted | gold_dusted

NTA! Cousin's lack of means doesn't make it your responsibility 👏

iseeisayibe | iseeisayibe

The absurdity of sacrificing dreams to spare others' feelings 😳

ClawedRavenesque | ClawedRavenesque

Don't let anyone guilt-trip you for pursuing your dreams! 💪‍♀️

saveyboy | saveyboy

Follow your dream! Don't let anyone stop you! 👏

seba_make | seba_make

Don't let someone else's envy stop you! 💪🏻

Korrin | Korrin

Follow your dreams, forget the haters! 💪

Chokingontheashes | Chokingontheashes

Congratulations on your acceptance! Don't let anyone hold you back 👏

CMack13216 | CMack13216

Fairly earned opportunities shouldn't be sacrificed for others' feelings. 👍 NTA

ChaoticOwls | ChaoticOwls

Stand up for your dreams and education. You did nothing wrong. 💪

penguin_0618 | penguin_0618

Congrats on getting into school! Cousins ≠ siblings. You're NTA 😊

pacalaga | pacalaga

Don't sacrifice your future for someone else's sake 👏

Hasagreatkid | Hasagreatkid

Don't let family guilt you into sacrificing your future! 💪

invertedagent | invertedagent

Life isn't fair and people aren't equal 🙄, NTA wins.

fibonacci_veritas | fibonacci_veritas

NTA! Don't let anyone deny your education based on circumstance. 💪

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

NTA for going, but AH to cousin. You're living her dream 😕

taylferr | taylferr

Don't sacrifice your dream school for anyone. You're NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't be a mean AHole, follow your dreams! 😊

kittensjamesandlily | kittensjamesandlily

Playing the cards you're dealt 🃏 Not the a-hole 🙅‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't sacrifice your future for others. You deserve better! 👏

Dajah1111 | Dajah1111

Follow your dreams, you're not responsible for others' feelings! 👏

MsAudreysHouse | MsAudreysHouse

You shouldn't sacrifice your dreams for someone else's comfort. ✌️

ThrowChoiceAway | ThrowChoiceAway

Don't let family guilt trip you out of your dream school! 🙌

StormingBlitz91 | StormingBlitz91

Put yourself first! Don't sacrifice your future for jealous relatives! 💪

DogBreathologist | DogBreathologist

Check your intentions, but you're not the a**hole. 👍

Nowordsofitsown | Nowordsofitsown

Terrible parents prioritize others over their child's dream school 😒

nova9001 | nova9001

Follow your dreams, don't let family guilt you 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment encourages pursuing education despite family pressure. 🎓

periwinkle_cupcake | periwinkle_cupcake

Don't compromise your future for petty family squabbles. 💪🏼

aitathrowawaaay | aitathrowawaaay

Don't let entitled family jeopardize your dream school! 👏

KayoSM | KayoSM

You worked hard, got in where you want. NTA 👏

jennlovesyarn | jennlovesyarn

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