Stepdad Calls COPS on Stepchild For "Harassment"... Because of THIS?! 😠

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Diply | Diply

🔥 Buckle up, folks, because this story is a wild ride! 🎢 Our wealthy protagonist has been through the wringer - losing both parents, inheriting a fortune, and trying to do right by a stepfamily that's never really been there. 💔 But when a simple request to lend out a holiday home turns into a full-blown legal nightmare, it's time to ask: how much do we really owe the people who marry into our lives? 🤔 Get ready for a tale of betrayal, entitlement, and one epic showdown! 😱

💔 A Tragic Tale of Loss and Betrayal 😢

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

👰🏻 A New Stepdad Enters the Picture 👨🏻

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

💸 A Massive Inheritance for the Orphaned Teen 💰

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

🏠 The Fateful Request for the Holiday Home 🏖️

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

😬 An Awkward Lunch and a Plea for More Time ⏰

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

🚨 The Nightmare Begins: Stepdad Refuses Access and Calls Cops! 👮‍♂️

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

⚖️ Stepdad Threatens Legal Action Over Eviction 🏛️

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

🔐 Update: Private Bailiffs Called to Remove Squatting Stepdad 🔒

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

💪 Bailiffs to Use Force, Locksmith on Standby 🔧

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

🥊 Stepbrother Tries to Reason, Gets Punched! 👊

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

🤔 AITA for Not Supporting Stepdad More? 🙏

HRnewbie2023 | HRnewbie2023

🚨 Stepdad Squatting Scandal: Will Our Hero Prevail? 🏆

😱 Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist's kindness has been taken for a ride! 🎢 After graciously lending their holiday home to a down-on-his-luck stepdad, things have gone from bad to worse. 📉 The ungrateful guest has barricaded himself inside, refusing access to builders and even calling the cops on our poor hero! 🚓 But fear not, dear readers, because this story is far from over. 💪 With bailiffs on the way and a trusty locksmith waiting in the wings, it's time for a showdown of epic proportions. 🔒 Will our protagonist emerge victorious, or will they be forever haunted by the ghost of stepdads past? 👻 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama! 🍿

Stepdad's eviction justified, sue for Airbnb damages. Stepbrother unhelpful? 😐

xodevo | xodevo

Contractual obligations and family don't mix. NTA 👍

notforcommentinohgoo | notforcommentinohgoo

Step-Dad may have tenancy rights and step-brother didn't communicate conditions 🤔

neuro_curious | neuro_curious

Squatter stepdad? Evict ASAP before things go too far! 😠

Swimming-Fix-2637 | Swimming-Fix-2637

Don't let entitled family guilt you into supporting them. NTA 👏

SpaceJesusIsHere | SpaceJesusIsHere

Stepbrother not mortified enough to talk to his dad? 🤔

wlfwrtr | wlfwrtr

Eviction drama! NTA advises taking stepdad to court 🚨

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

Lawyer up to evict the squatter and get restraining order. 💪

savinathewhite | savinathewhite

Take no prisoners! This commenter is not here to play.

Punk_Boi17 | Punk_Boi17

Stepfather and stepbrother both suck according to commenter.

Pumpernickelbrot | Pumpernickelbrot

Legal advice on evicting a squatter from your property. 💪

Zealousideal-Law-513 | Zealousideal-Law-513

Eviction is necessary to avoid trouble with stepchild's priorities 🤦‍♂️

Cheerymee | Cheerymee

Stepdad's entitlement exposed, NTA should evict his a**

goldenfingernails | goldenfingernails

Stepfather's overreaction leads to legal mess. NTA comment agrees.

jrm1102 | jrm1102

Stand your ground against stepdad's potential squatter's rights claim. 🙌

Familiar_Practice906 | Familiar_Practice906

Grandparents had no obligation to pay for stepbrother's education. NTA 👍

Hot_Ad_9679 | Hot_Ad_9679

Evicting stepchild? NTA, but legal battle ahead. 😕

sharethewine | sharethewine

Stepdad in for a fight evicting stepchild. NTA, stand firm 💪

GirlDad2023_ | GirlDad2023_

Stepdad called cops on stepchild, commenter says NTA.

Intrepid_Respond_543 | Intrepid_Respond_543

Cutting out toxic family members: 👍 or 👎?

Specific_Zebra2625 | Specific_Zebra2625

Evict stepdad before Easter 🥇 NTA but get a lawyer 😎

Worth-Season3645 | Worth-Season3645

Asserting boundaries with agencies is a great idea! NTA 💪

Kaizanna1 | Kaizanna1

Take legal action to remove stepchild, cut off services and support.

Sweet-Interview5620 | Sweet-Interview5620

Overstaying guests? NTA suggests contacting booking site for removal process.

Purple_Paper_Bag | Purple_Paper_Bag

Late eviction may delay Easter plans. NTA wins.

Lovebeingadad54321 | Lovebeingadad54321

NTA advises to evict stepchild and take control of situation 😈

Psychological-Fox97 | Psychological-Fox97

Stepdad suggests restraining order against violent stepchild. NTA.

Frequent-Material273 | Frequent-Material273

Urgent advice on dealing with a squatter. 😱

Jzb1964 | Jzb1964

A shocking story of eviction and sublet loopholes in Canada.

Healthy_Art | Healthy_Art

Stepbro's dad causing trouble. NTA starts eviction & ultimatum given. 😠

Background116 | Background116

NTA suggests extreme solution to stepbrother issue 🤔

Scary-Cycle1508 | Scary-Cycle1508

No obligation to house stepchild after mother's death. NTA 👍

Suchafatfatcat | Suchafatfatcat

Stepchild stands up to entitled stepdad, NTA prevails 💪

Big_Zucchini_9800 | Big_Zucchini_9800

No stepdad or stepbrother, just your mom's widow 👫

Green-Dragon-14 | Green-Dragon-14

Stepfather gets served with a dose of poetic justice. 😎

TheFilthyDIL | TheFilthyDIL

Stepdad gets called out for shirking duties 👨‍👦‍👦

Chocolatecandybar_ | Chocolatecandybar_

Compassionate stepdad reaches breaking point with stepson who took advantage 😠

Shellybago | Shellybago

Stepdad kicks out stepchild, NTA. Update me 🤓

PermanentUN | PermanentUN

Step-father feels entitled to inheritance, proceed with eviction. NTA 👍

Moist-Opportunity64 | Moist-Opportunity64

Stepbrother's reliance on OP's good nature is toxic 💯

jesus_chen | jesus_chen

No obligation to stepfamily after death of parent. NTA.

1M4m0ral | 1M4m0ral

Airbnb squatting drama with stepbrother's dad. NTA.

thechipperhalf | thechipperhalf

Lodging contract dispute leads to potential court battle 😬

Rich_Growth3895 | Rich_Growth3895

Stepdad tries to squat in stepchild's property. NTA claps back. 💯

Knee_Jerk_Sydney | Knee_Jerk_Sydney

Stepchild not obligated to look after stepdad, NTA. 👍

peregrine_throw | peregrine_throw

Heartwarming comment supporting OP's kindness and siding with them. ❤️

PsychologicalSky6551 | PsychologicalSky6551

Step-dad overstepped boundaries, step-brother not helpful. NTA 👍

Outrageous-forest | Outrageous-forest

Stepdad and stepfamily were entitled leeches. NTA for evicting him 👏

Successful_Career269 | Successful_Career269

You're right, stepbrother needs to take responsibility for his actions 🤷‍♀️

Vegetable-Support796 | Vegetable-Support796

Toxic stepfather causes chaos, where's the stepbrother in this mess?

Big_Significance2770 | Big_Significance2770

Eviction advice for entitled stepchild. NTA. 🚫

LouisV25 | LouisV25

Harsh criticism for commenter's naivety 🤬

isabgol_isabgol | isabgol_isabgol

Assertive NTA suggests evicting freeloading stepchild from stepdad's property. 😠

s_meso | s_meso

When family drama reaches its peak 😑

SwimmingProgram6530 | SwimmingProgram6530

Stepdad gets called out in blunt NTA comment 😎

Quix66 | Quix66

Renting to family without lease leads to eviction nightmare. NTA.

MyHairs0nFire2023 | MyHairs0nFire2023

Cut them off! 💰 NTA stands up to entitled step-family.

Fucccbbboooiii | Fucccbbboooiii

Stepbrother should handle his own affairs. NTA 👏

Longjumping-Lab-1916 | Longjumping-Lab-1916

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