
10+ Movie Conspiracies That Fans Might Be Right About

There are many websites on the internet. At least four. But there is, in fact, the fifth website beyond that which is known to man.

It is a website of vast knowledge and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between CNN and Breitbart, between pop culture and serious business, between the pit of a man’s fears and his suspicions about certain movies.

This is a dimension of imagination.

This is… The Diply Zone.

1. Mary Poppins And Pennywise Are From The Same Universe


Think about it: they both come back after 25 (or so) years, they both generate energy from a group of children (the same group they saw as kids who are now adults).

So this begs the question... what does that make Mary Poppins?


Is she some sort of God-like Pennywise? Does she have any relation to the turtle from the book?

Is she the turtle?

2. How Did The Humans In 'Wall-e' Survive?


They were only supposed to be on the ship for 5 years, yet they ended up spending like 700 up there.

The popular fan theory is that the robots started feeding corpses to the humans on the ship.

3. The Only Reason Willy Wonka Created The Contest...


Was so that he could pawn the Chocolate Factory off on some poor, unsuspecting kid and probably avoid a whole lot of health and safety violations.

There were so many things that could kill you in the factory.

4. Harry Potter's Wizard World Doesn't Exist


This is a popular form of fan theory, the "the magical world X inhabits is actually a fever dream/coma dream/the afterlife".

In this case, Harry dreams of the wizarding world to cope with living with the Dursleys.

5. Jessie's Original Owner Was Andy's Mom


Well, there honestly isn't a lot of evidence to support this claim, except the fact that we know Emily (Jesse's owner) grew up in the '60s and '70s (which would make Andy a perfect age to be her kid)

And she also has the same hair as Andy's mom.

6. Stu and Billy from 'Scream' were totally gay


The two boys who ended up being Ghostface admitted that they spent a lot of late nights together, burning the midnight oil, rubbing each other down and watching scary movies in order to plan the murders.

Alright, they didn't say that middle part, but you believed it for a sec didn't you!

7. Another Willy Wonka Conspiracy


Ever wonder what Willy Wonka was like as a kid? Well, it seems fans have an answer for that...

He's actually George Weasley. Yes, the chocolate factory is just a continuation of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

But wait, there's more!


The Oompa Loompas are just house-elves, and ever wonder why his office is cut if half? Well, George lost his other half, didn't he?

This is his strange way of honoring Fred.

8. Sandy Is Actually Dead


Remember the line "I saved her life, she nearly drowned" in the opening song of Grease?

Well, the theory goes that Sandy did actually drown and that last shot of her flying off in the car is her going to heaven.

9. Sully Got Turned Into A Toilet Seat Cover


There's one scene in Monster's Inc where Randall says to Sully "I heard humans skin monsters and make toilet covers out of their fur".

In the short film Partysaurus Rex, Bonnie's toilet seat cover is made from Sully's fur.

Uh oh.

10. The Rock Trolls Are Bad Guys


We know that the Rock Trolls from Frozen can alter memories (because they do it to Anna).

What makes you think they don't use that power for evil? Because they're... uh... cute?

Think about it, they spend an entire song trying to convince Anna to ditch Hans and instead marry their boy, Kristoff.


Also, where do you think that Hans villain twist came from?

The Rock Trolls got him.

11. Syndrome Is Actually Jack-Jack


Sometime in the future, Jack-Jack grows up and loses his powers. His family rejects him, so he becomes a genius and travels back in time to gain the approval of his father.

Once he's rejected again... well, things don't go well.

12. Jar Jar Binks Is A Sith Lord


A lot of people believe that there is no way Jar Jar Binks is so lucky that he can avoid death so many times.

A lot of people believe that it has to be the Force's influence.

So why is it that Qui-Gon can't sense Jar Jar's force abilities when they first meet?


Well, Jar Jar is using the dark side to cloud Qui-Gon's judgment so he can't sense his ability.

Why do they appoint the stupidest Gungan ever to sit on the Galactic Senate?


Because he made them.

And then, in the senate, he further poisons the mind of the Chancellor and Anakin Skywalker.

13. E.T. Has The Force


Speaking of force-sensitive beings, we know that E.T. exists in the Star Wars Galaxy.

Maybe he has all those powers in the movie because he also has the Force? Think about it.

14. Ferris Bueller Isn't Real

Paramount Pictures

Ah, this old chestnut.

This one has been circulating around the internet since the beginning of time. The theory goes as such: Cameron creates Ferris as a kind of Tyler Durden type mental character.

Ferris is the man that Cam wants to be.

Paramount Pictures

And as for the movie itself, well, it doesn't actually happen either.

These are all just fantasies in Cam's head.

Hopefully, I didn't ruin your childhood with that theory.

15. The Contents Of The 'Pulp Fiction' Briefcase


Ever wonder what was in that briefcase?

How about Marsellus Wallace’s Soul?

That would explain not only the eerie glow, not only his intense desire to get it back but also the Band-Aid on Wallace's neck (that's where they extracted the soul).

16. The Aliens From 'Signs' Aren't Aliens

Buena Vista Pictures

But instead, they are demons.

Think about it: if Aliens were allergic to water, why would they come to a planet that's literally mostly water? Unless they were demons and the water being thrown at them was... Holy Water.

17. James Bond Is A Code Name

Sony Pictures

The reason why James Bond is able to look so different throughout the years is that James Bond isn't one man's name.

It's a code name given to the Agent who takes over the 007 position.

18. Three Films, One Character, One Director

20th Century Fox

Let's have a look at three Tim Burton films:

Frankenweenie, Corpse Bride and Nightmare Before Christmas.

The fan theory goes like this: all the main characters of these movies are the same character.

'Frankenweenie' obviously takes place when the man is a kid...


Corpse Bride is when he is an adult and Nightmare Before Christmas... well, let's just say he's been dead for a couple of years.

19. Nemo Doesn't Exist


Yet another case of a character not existing. It seems that Marlin had trouble coping with the fact that his family was murdered, so he created a son and everyone just kind of goes along with it.

When you realize that "Nemo" translates to "nobody", it starts to make sense.

20. 'The Shining' Was About Faking The Moon Landing

Warner Bros. Pictures

There is a popular conspiracy theory that the moon landing was faked.

There is a less popular theory that Stanley Kubrick, director of The Shining, was the person who directed the fake moon landing.

There is an even less popular fan theory that 'The Shining' was about Stanely Kubrick faking the moon landing.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Just look at Danny's shirt!

It has the Apollo 11 landing on it!

21. 'Nosferatu' Was An Actual Vampire


There was actually a whole movie based around this fan theory. Or wait, did the movie create the fan theory?

Or was the movie just a reason for people to... wait, hold on.

22. 'Shadow Of The Vampire' Was Created So People Would Talk About 'Nosferatu' Being An Actual Vampire


Yes, this fan theory was totally a thing before this article.

People were forgetting about the 1922 classic Nosferatu. So, they created a movie to drum up so buzz about the old film.

23. The Narrator Is Calvin Grown Up


Don't you hate it when fan theories ruin wholesome things like Calvin and Hobbes?

Well, some have theorized that the Narrator from Fight Club is actually Calvin when he's all grown up.

He grows up and eventually, loses his imagination (for a while).

Bill Waterson

He lives his day to day boring life, until one day his overactive imagination kicks up again and he creates Tyler Durden.