Crochet Gorgeous Peacock Feathers To Make Stunning Blanket

I think we have all heard the expression "pretty as a peacock," right? Well, these crochet peacock feathers are just that. Peacocks are a very proud bird that loves to show off their striking colored tail feathers and this crochet peacock feather design captures their essence beautifully! The vibrant colors and design resemble the peacock perfectly. The things that you can make with crochet peacock feathers are endless.

Take a look at these gorgeous ideas and then SHARE this article with a friend who loves peacocks!

First, let's take a look at the real thing.

Dreams of Animals | Dreams of Animals

Ah, so pretty!

Crochet a bunch of feathers together and you have a blanket that is both beautiful and cozy. 

TheCurioCraftsRoom | TheCurioCraftsRoom

The colors are almost jewel-like and extremely vibrant.

This one is absolutely stunning. 

Thewhoot | Thewhoot

I love that these crochet feathers are added like an appliqué on top of another blanket.

This sweet little peacock crochet set is perfect for newborn photos.

Facebook | Crochet Crazy

So sweet!

The peacock feather crochet pattern is popular with beginners and experts alike.

Online, many people have shared their processes and put their own unique spin on this beautiful project.

In this version, peacock feathers were added as an accent on a solid blanket.

This is an easy way to update an older blanket, or turn a thrifted blanket into a fun craft project.

Crocheted peacock feathers were added as a trim to this blanket's design.

Even with just a few of these feathers, this design is still so gorgeous! What a stunning accent to this throw.

You can also experiment with colors to create a show-stopping piece.

You don't have to stick to the traditional blues and greens of peacocks. Just take a look at this rainbow peacock blanket. I need to make one of these ASAP!

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