40 People Who Just Don't Care About Being Weird Anymore

Just being a "normal" person is so boring these days! To quote Jack Kerouac, "I live for the mad ones." The people we're looking at today are just that — mad, strange, at least different to some degree!

Whether intentionally weird or not, these peeps are always good for a laugh.

1. Don't judge, everybody's got their thing! 

Reddit | A_cray11

Are you telling me you don't know at least one person who would drink ranch dressing straight out the bottle? This is no different!

2. Back in the '70s, they used to have pet rocks — but that's so baby-boomer. This dude is a next-level millennial ? 

Instagram | @selena.gomedz

I mean, it's got a name and everything!

3. Then there are the times when you have so many great photos to choose from, how could you make up your mind?!

Twitter | @whereiscarmenSD

Bottom left, I say! Definitely bottom left lmao ?

4. This kid is definitely not afraid to experiment

Reddit | Killjoytshirts

5. You're never too young to stand out as a champion of weirdness! ?

Twitter | @peztresojos

This little girl is literally my hero now. Go on, hot dog princess — you forever have my allegiance.

6. Ah, and this must be the prince that was promised.

Reddit | [deleted]

Imagine the fantasy world where this burger boy and hot dog princess lived happily ever after. ?Also, check those horse shoes! ?

7. Don't let anyone or anything come between you and your dreams. ?

Facebook | Who needs wood for a fire when you're Hermione Granger.

I'll be honest, there are many days where I could totally go for 28 industrial-sized bags of Cheetos.

8. When you have to get to the battle of Winterfell after third period

Reddit | shocksbored

9. A lot of people are so extra about their selfies, but they're usually just full of hot air.

Tumblr | keepingupwiththekardacheyennes

But hey, when everything works out just right, photography can be beautiful!

10. This is the definition of "long hair, don't care." 

Reddit | iCeCoCaCoLa64

It's also the reason you don't put anything metal in an electrical socket. I hope he can fit through doorways still.

11. There are a lot of looks out there, so to be original, you gotta think outside the box!

Twitter | @tmoore_618

I don't know if anyone could pull off this look. Even this guy himself ?

12. There's nothing wrong with your birthday suit, especially if you can turn it into a birthday swimsuit! ?

Reddit | IKnowNotWhatIDo

That's pretty much the only beach body anyone should be trying to get! ?

13. No need to delete your selfies if you think they're cute, right?

Instagram | @6icks

Next time some jerk tells you that you wear too much makeup, just show up like this — wut? ?

14. And don't let anybody define your style for you — if you like what you got, flaunt it! ???

Imgur | davetay1021

Sorry mom, but I need my true lumberjack self to come out in this photo.

15. Always dress for the job you want, not the job you have! 

Twitter | @FireMemesDaily

If your college studies aren't working out, you can always get a job at The Daily Bugle, right?

16. And if all else fails, be like this lady! Yes, get yourself a pet gator! 

Reddit | Jeet_Kune_Do

And as always, don't listen to the haters. I think that lady in the back has a few things to say ?

17. Home sweet home

Instagram | @kalesalad

18. Interesting hobby

Reddit | midnight333233

19. Meanwhile, in Florida

Reddit | Littlewing29

20. When popcorn just doesn't do it for you

Instagram | @kalesalad

21. What do you know about Pikayoncé?

Instagram | @kalesalad

22. Just another old guy enjoying retirement

Imgur | CapCap

Is that Woody Allen?

23. The Cookie Monster has created a monster!

Reddit | bRownies21

24. Watch out for this lunatic on the loose! 

Instagram | @thefunnyintrovert

25. Seems like a crappy way to make a crepe 

Instagram | @hoedity

The guy is the hero we need.

26. Forget pajama day, this kid took it to a whole other level

Imgur | OnniMatikainen

27. Every society needs strong-minded individuals who challenge authority 

Reddit | poorsteamuser

28. Sure, you could get your senior photos done like a normie, but who's gonna care about that?!

Reddit | [deleted]

Although, I think that cat is a bit concerned about this whole thing. ?

29. You know it's bring-your-own cup day when...

Pleated-Jeans | Pleated-Jeans

Sure, your goldfish is going to have to live in a Slurpee cup for a few days, but he'll understand

30. Why do yoga? That's why

Imgur | TheSoundOfRainNeedsNoTranslation

That one's a real good hip opener.

31. Remember, you're also never too old to get your weird on!

Instagram | @will_ent

These two adorable seniors are on a roll! Look at that punk riding around on his skateboard — lol such goals.

32. This girl whose eyebrows are so angry they're about to eat her forehead 

Izismile | Izismile

33. Salvador Dalí and his anteater, who seems to be drinking spilled milk off the NYC sidewalk 

Reddit | Tsukamori

34. When one belt isn't supportive enough. 

Reddit | humps

35. This is a kid who dares to be different.

Twitter | @Lejlie

36. The underwear really completes the look. 

Reddit | myfinnegan

37. First the snuggie, now this.

Reddit | wmlnthc

38. Apparently, just like dogs, people are also food-aggressive.

Reddit | yugugy

39. Stop the madness!

Twitter | @_annnne

This defeats the purpose of bathing.

40. This Guy looks like he's having "Poodles" Of Fun

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