The Azure Tit Is A Frosty, Blue And White Little Bundle Of Cute

I love color, especially in nature, but there is something about pure white that draws the eye and the heart.

We've probably all felt it at one time or another. That perfect glisten of fresh snow, the majesty of a white tiger, the grace of a snowy owl... They all have an extra special something.

And if a mostly white creature has a few spots of color, the white backdrop makes those spots really pop.

The azure tit is a bird that really shows off that effect beautifully — and cutely.

(Please take a moment here to get over your inevitable giggles at the name. I don't blame you. It's silly in a modern context.)

Azure tits are small birds, growing to an average of four to five inches.

They're mostly white, with various shades of blue along their backs and a distinctive blue stripe across their eyes. Their bellies also have a blue patch in the center.

They live throughout Russia and Central Asia, as well as northwestern regions of China, Manchuria, and Pakistan.

It's very similar to the Eurasian blue tit, but is considered its own species. Blue tits are found throughout northern Europe and their habitats mingle with azure tits in some areas.

However, blue tits have bright yellow chests and bellies.

The two species can interbreed, with the hybrid babies having varying amounts of yellow in their feathers.

Hybrids are called Pleske's tit, which was once considered a distinct species, but has since lost that designation.

Azure tits are currently safe from extinction and show no signs of danger. Their large brood size helps with population, with each mating pair hatching an average of 10 eggs safely within the holes of trees.

h/t: Oiseaux-Birds, Beauty of Birds

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