
Quotes For When You Hate Cleaning Just Oh So Very Much

Everyone has a different tolerance for mess. Some people seem either oblivious to or perfectly okay with the fact that they are living in squalor. Other people wash their sheets and clean their blinds once a week, looking down on those of us who are generally tidy, but not nearly so hardcore about it.

Frankly, my house is always just slightly messier than I’d like, but I am a professional procrastinator and will put off a proper cleaning day for as long as possible. I am definitely better at spot-cleaning, but eventually everything needs to be deep cleaned.

That’s when I dig in my heels and begin to actively ignore the problem.

Instagram | @sohaylasmith

Particularly the tasks I most dislike, such as cleaning floors. I will put that off until the bottoms of my feet begin to look noticeably dirty after a day of puttering around barefoot.

And yes, I know that putting it off just makes the job harder.

Same with my bathtub. If I would just stop putting off cleaning it, then I’d have to scrub less when I do.

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Alas, it’s hard to push past the barrier of “I don’t feel like it,” and just do it. I try to line things up to be as quick and easy as possible to complete, but you can’t hack personal willpower.

That’s the whole thing about willpower, right?

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It’s supposed to be the thing that allows you to push through and do stuff, but it’s a finite resource of its own and so things just don’t get done.

A good current example would be the giant shipping box leaning against the wall in my front hall right now. It’s a warranty replacement for part of my Christmas tree. I just need to open it, go “Go yep, that’s what I needed,” and drag the box down to the basement.

It’ll take 10 minutes, tops, but it’s awkward and heavy and my basement belongs to my spider roommates.

Twitter | @Cheeseboy22

I know I will feel better after doing it. My entryway will be cleared and I won’t have to think about that box again until December.

But I just don’t feel like it.

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