
A 1,000-Piece Gradient Puzzle Exists For Those Seeking A Colorful Challenge

Do you love puzzles? Do you love colors? Do you love to be slightly frustrated? Then boy, do I have the puzzle for you.

Brought to you by designer Clemens Habicht, this 1,000-piece puzzle is sure to delight with its immense challenge. Let's check it out.

So, here's what you're working with.

My Modern MET

Yup. It's gonna be a challenge. This puzzle does indeed cover the CMYK spectrum (cyan, magenta, yellow, and key), which is different from a regular RGB palette.

The puzzle pieces have secret patterns on them.

My Modern MET

The patterns are key to solving the puzzle. Notice how the dots change size and shape? That's all I'm going to say. No more hints. You can do it!

It looks pretty crazy up close.

My Modern MET

Almost like a 3D effect! I feel like I need to be wearing 3D glasses to look at it, tbh. Also, wow, it is worth it for the final result. Let's check it out, shall we?

Check out the finished piece!

My Modern MET

That's a graphic designer's dream right there.

You can pick up your own puzzle for $85 on My Modern MET.

And while you're at it, why not check out a giant all-black puzzle? I know you like a challenge.

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