
17+ People Who Were Unknowingly Part Of The Joke

We have all been in a situation where we were unaware that we were part of a joke, from having something stuck to your back to not realising what your business' sign says in another language!

And, for hilarious examples of this idea, here are 17+ funny people who were unknowingly part of the joke!

"My blind cat loves the outdoors."

Reddit | Vanilakush

Oh dear! That cat is probably enjoying the breeze on its fur and thinking of the amazing view it is looking at!

That Seems Like An Idea...

Reddit | wilburrr313

It is not only girlfriends who do this! I cannot fathom the amount of times that I have ordered food only for my partner to say they're not hungry then have half of what I order!

Always Complaining!

Reddit | TXVERAS

Is there anything worse than going out with a compulsive complainer? They just never know how to give it a rest and enjoy themselves!

"Literally being held by a thread."

Reddit | agroyle

That phone is a very good representation of how I feel when I am playing monopoly with my family — one thin thread away from crumbling into a million pieces and having a breakdown.

"Completely oblivious to the damage she was doing..."

Reddit | WainFish

Ooft, they're going to need to get some vanish on that! Also, I think that the woman on the right might have had enough to drink for one night, I can smell the alcohol through this picture!

"I really wanna know what this squirrel is annoyed at."

Reddit | sanid34

You can tell that this squirrel is working out a strongly worded email to the council in it's head in regards to the inappropriate use of grease on bird feeders in the neighborhood!

"I didn't realize it wasn't a trash can until after I threw my drink in there..."

Reddit | slugbuster

I mean, I know they say that every little bit helps, but I think that an energy drink in the donations box may be the exception to the rule.

"My Nana asked me to fix her phone because 'The outside clock is always showing the wrong time.'"

Reddit | ImRachaelGreep

They could have just left it on and given it back to her at 10:24. Was she also not amazed that the battery never went down?

"Sounds... Delicious?"

Reddit | Oriachim

And this is the exact reason why you shouldn't annoy the translator you use to translate your business' sign!

"Navajo tour guide insisted he take a pic of us because it was 'THE money shot.' Didn't notice until later. I wasn't even mad..."

Reddit | phantofan

This tour guide must have done this to hundreds of unwitting tourists! So, if you've been to this location and have a photo like this on the off-chance, share it below!

"Time to rethink your brand name."

Reddit | PartyOnAlec

Yeah, I really don't think that this brand name is sending the right message when it comes to this specific product! The satisfaction guaranteed really adds salt into the wound as well!

"Imagine this thing going 70 down the highway."


A part of me thinks that no one would buy this car without being aware of how garish it is. However, the fact that they're actually driving it around makes me question that.

"I didn't realize we needed a politically correct term for 'Chicken Wire.'"

Reddit | KoltiWanKenobi

After all of the oppression that chickens have faced over the years, I think it is about time that we find a nicer way of saying chicken wire!

"My dad checking into a hotel. They were both completely oblivious."

Reddit | jrb0

In fairness, as someone pointed out, this is such an essential dad look that it is hardly surprising that something like this would happen. Although, if they touch one another, then they could bring about the end of the universe.

"Looks like my neighbor had a rough weekend."

Reddit | StormycatsR

I never thought that I would feel such spiritual kinship with a rough-looking teddy bear with its head jammed into a dustbin... and yet I do!

"Saw this cat fueling up off of the Interstate. They've clearly got the essentials, and are not looking back."

Reddit | GirthyBurritos

This is the last time that this cat will forgive their partner for cheating on them! They're not giving them any more chances, they're taking the house and starting afresh!

"If you look closely you can see a twerking Batman..."

Reddit | DrFlames2192

If I'm honest, it took me a considerable amount of time to not see the twerking batman here! Maybe that says more about my mind than I would care to admit.

"I don't know how she finds time for airport security."

Reddit | M-Lin

You may laugh at her now, but just you wait, she's preparing to drop the sickest mixtape of 2021!

"My girlfriend and I took pictures for our one year anniversary. We didn't notice the small addition until we got home."

Reddit | gandi800

Before taking anniversary photos, it is crucial to make sure that no one has scrawled "Eat a dick" anywhere on the location you choose. I mean, that is day one stuff!

"ZZ Stop!"

Reddit | hownottowrite

Well, that is one hell of a safe dressed man! I never thought that I would need to be thinking of a workmen-ZZ Top crossover pun. Christ, that was niche.

Well, That Sounds Like A Fun Car To Be In...

Reddit | wildluciddreaming

Grammatical calamity aside, why would anyone ever want to block their back windshield with this awful message. Someone needs to explain to them that we're laughing at them, and not with them!