
15+ Fascinating Pics That Showed How The Details Can Make A Big Difference

In relationships of all kinds, from romantic to platonic ones, many people believe that it's the little things that go a long way. I think that philosophy can be applied to all areas of life.

To prove that point, here's a list of pictures that show how details can make a big difference.

"My dad’s new car has cup holders that can warm up your drink or cool it down."

Now, this is the height of luxury. No fear of iced coffee going warm or hot coffee going cold...I drink a lot of coffee.

"The difference jaw surgery and rhinoplasty made on this woman."

The amount that our jaw alone affects our entire facial structure is astounding. I have a very round jaw and face, which is why people always think I'm a cherubic little boy.

"This collection of *Mystery Science Theater 3000* VHS tapes creates an image when put together."

It is neat, VHS box set of Mystery Science Theater 3000, thanks!

"Nature art by Andy Goldsworthy. (Done with leaves of varying colours)."

Not only is it beautiful but it's also very satisfying and soothes that scattered part of my brain.

"A reverse guitar."

This is...upsetting to look at. I'll never take the shape of a guitar for granted again.

"This emotional support pig’s name is Piggie Smalls."

Hold on, emotional support pig? I need to access one as soon as physically possible.

"The wings of the atlas moth look like snakes."

The more animals evolve, the more we'll see animals just completely disguised as other animals.

Resilience In The Wind.

This uploader told the brave story of this leaf that's actually quite amazing, "I live about 20 miles from the bobcat fire in LA and this piece of leaf that burned to ash perfectly kept its shape traveling that whole way to land in my yard."

"Medieval helmets with mustaches."

If you didn't wear this, how would all the cute village girls know you had a rockin' 'stache?

"[I've] accidentally caught a shooting star with my camera."

It was a beautiful picture already but that shooting star really does make it incredible!

"Moved into our new office. Decided to come up with a more fitting name for our conference room."

You bravely and openly say what many of us think every day. Thank you.

"Boise's library is spelled with an exclamation point."

As it should! Libraries are amazing, exciting places and they should all be hyped up!

"My local library shows how much you’ve saved by checking out their books instead of buying them at a store."

Speaking of libraries and their amazingness, here's one reason as to why they're so great! This has been the library promotion segment with yours truly.

"111 year old penny [I] got as walmart change."

I live somewhere where pennies are entirely out of production so seeing any at all feels like a relic of a lost time.

"This motorcycle with an RV sidecar."

What is this for, exactly? Can a person sleep in it? Is it really worth the extremely cumbersome driving experience?

"There is a concrete guitar case in my local park."

Ah, the fossilized remains of a park busker.

"Restaurant I went to gave envelopes for keeping our masks clean."

I hadn't even thought about masks becoming dirty when you put them on a table or something. We need a mask for our masks!

"My job puts molten iron by the break area to keep [the workers] warm when it cools off outside."

If you have access to molten iron but not a heater, then you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

"No smoking sign in my doctors bathroom."

This makes it sound like you can smoke in there but only if you're on fire.

"[The] balloon on this mural has a reflection of a person taking a photo of it painted on."

It's clear this artist knows their audience. Or knows the tendency of every pedestrian ever.

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