
7+ People Who Never Grew Up

Nobody really wants to grow up. I mean, sure, being an adult means you can have your own money, but you can't buy any fun things as you have bills and crap to pay...not to mention you're tired all the time.

However, the people on this list tried their hardest to fight the crushing tide of time, so please enjoy these 17+ people who never grew up!

"My friend : 'I'm renovating my living room, I'm gonna put a dinosaur on the wall.' Me: 'Sure...'"

"But, why?"

"Why not?"

" got me there. Wanna watch Jurassic Park?"

"My girlfriend made a chicken pot pie for dinner..."

I'm sure that it looked even more appetizing after the pie...browned in the oven.

"My father took the time to do this to my mother ladies and gentlemen."

The idea of someone drawing on the sole of my foot is going through me. It's a surprisingly good likeness though!

"My dad sent me a picture this morning and said 'It finally happened.'"

I like to imagine that this chicken was just standing there thinking, "Why is everyone taking pictures of me and laughing, all I did was cross a damn road?"

Dad Jokes 101

If the police are looking to put together a list of suspects then all they need to do is compile a list of all of the fathers in the area.

"My wife says I need to grow up, but I couldn't stop laughing."

Look, that is always going to be funny, and the day that I don't laugh at a sign that says "please feel the balls" will be the day that I die.

The World At Your Feet!

The '90s called, it wants its carpet back. I would actually still love to have a room in my house carpeted with this stuff, just to get a nostalgia trip every time I entered the room.

Oh My God, It's A Disnowsaur!

I feel like this is so close to looking quite good, but something about the eye just makes it unnervingly weird! Also, yes, I am still reeling from the terrible "disnowsaur" gag.

"Some people just never grow up. I hope that's me and the wife someday."

Age is just a state of mind!'s not, but that is something people say in instances such as this I suppose.