27 Hilarious Differences Between Women And Men

Let's face it: men and women have some obvious differences. No, I'm not talking about the birds and the bees here, I'm talking about the weird things that men and women do that just sometimes don't make sense or are just oddly hilarious. So, let's celebrate our quirky differences and laugh along the way!

1. She wanted a golden retriever. He thought he was being hilarious—she did not. Guys can be so literal!

Reddit | maddipotter28

2. She wanted flowers. He sent flours. Guys can be so punny.

Reddit | Nessie_Assassin

3. When girls take animals in for a trim, they do just that. When guys do it, it has to be awesome.

Reddit | sugarlumps1

4. Guys can be so romantic.

Reddit | Buttcheekbeats

5. Some people geek out over travel. Others do not.

Reddit | dat-random-word-here

6. When girls are out of town, they just expect guys to figure it out.

Reddit | puckpuckpuck

7. For guys, a romantic evening is only a bag of shredded cheese away!

Reddit | MagneZen

8. Women rarely clean out their purses, and when they do, they find ancient artifacts of the past.

Reddit | Rugratser

9. Ladies can be really good with animals.

Reddit | YellowElevator

10. Men don't always get excited during concerts.

Reddit | treycash

11. Girls care a lot about their drivers license picture; guys do not.

Reddit | rexkwond0

12. And they say fishing is a man's sport!

Reddit | dubbler26

13. Some women don't take cosplay too seriously (and that's truly okay).

Reddit | NotLucasHood

14. Size isn't everything.

Reddit | suspicious_luggage

15. Guys just don't understand: cute is better than efficient.

Reddit | trustworthy_expert

16. This relationship just became official.

Instagram | @33192724122912862755933172225k

17. Men don't always have to wait in line in the bathroom.

Reddit | Hamburglar_Helper

18. And they try to make jokes out of the most basic tasks, like packing a lunch.

Reddit | RemorsefulArsonist

19. Women know how to speak to a man's romantic side.

Reddit | Lndubs

20. Some men excel in...other tasks.

Reddit | Cradnee

21. How a guy pranks his gal...

Reddit | amosfargus

22. And how a gal pranks her guy.

Reddit | Olikria

23. What's important is enjoying life together, like sports.

Reddit | noxious_toast

24. Men have a special talent for making jokes that are both not funny and utterly enraging.

Reddit | robin60062

25. Women are always reminding their hubbies of what's important in life: family.

Reddit | Harzoo_Zo_Morakh

26. And some women just have a lot of feelings.

Reddit | TechnicallyRon_

27. Men tend to be OK with their lot in life.

Reddit | switchfootball

Close enough.

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