Unsplash | Volha Flaxeco

Blogger's 30-Day De-Cluttering Challenge Makes It Easy To Clean Your House

Spring is the perfect time to organize yourself, get rid of stuff and get ready for the nice lazy summer days.

So when I saw Liz from the blog Love and Marriage — And A Baby Carriage create a 30-day de-clutter challenge I thought it was a great idea. Basically, you target one area in your house per day and at the end of the 30 days, your home will be in order.

Let's check out some of her de-cluttering ideas.

1. Target one of your junk drawers, you know the one you just throw random stuff in.

Go through it, sort it and throw out any useless stuff.

Chances are you haven't done this in ages.

2. Open up one of your closets and go through all your stuff.

Unsplash | Adrienne Leonard

If you haven't worn an item for two years throw it out or donate it to charity.

3. We all get a lot of stuff in the mail.

Usually, I just throw it all in a pile. Now's the time to sort through that pile.

4. If you're like me, your wallet is getting bigger by the day.

Unsplash | Allef Vinicius (ig: @seteales)

Just clean it out and throw out unnecessary stuff like coupons, old business cards, and notes.

5. On the same token, your purse can really get messy.

Unsplash | STIL

Take time to dump it all out and throw out any junk or non-necessities that weight it down.

6. My makeup drawer is another dumping ground.

Unsplash | freestocks.org

From free samples to knick-knacks it's full of stuff. Perfect time to sort through and use those samples already. Geez!!!

7. Spring is here and so is the time for a new wardrobe.

So now's the time to go through your shoes and throw out the ones you'll never wear.

8. My medicine cabinet is always getting full.

Unsplash | freestocks.org

At least once a year you need to read those expiry dates and take any expired meds to your local pharmacy to dispose of them safely.

9. Are you a hoarder like me when it comes to freezing stuff for later?

Well, sometimes that can backfire. Get rid of all that stuff with freezer burn. Yuck!

10. At the same time, things can be lurking in your fridge if you haven't cleaned it out for a while.

So get to work and organize it already!

11. Your car can get just as messy as your house.

So go through it and get rid of garbage, empty containers and give it a vacuum. You're welcome!

12. Don't forget your kids' stuff.

Unsplash | Shitota Yuri

When was the last time you went through your kid's toys? Throw out broken ones and donate the ones they never play with.

13. You're only as organized as your cleaning supplies, right?

Unsplash | Crystal de Passillé-Chabot

So make sure you have all you need to get the job done right and throw out old stuff.

Check out Liz's full 30-day challenge schedule here:

Love and Marriage — And A Baby Carriage

I hope this will get you on the right track towards a fresher and cleaner house.

Now you can sit down, relax and enjoy a cuppa joe in peace.