Reddit | 901koala

15+ Pics That Will Throw Your Brain For A Loop

I don't know if your brain releases a wonderful chemical when you see something that jolts it for a moment or not, but it's definitely a unique feeling, isn't it? It's not quite deja vu, but there's a similar bodily thrill that goes along with it as your brain tries to figure out what's going on.

So there's some appeal to these pics, as well as the challenge to wrap your head around them. They really do throw your brain for a loop.

I thought I had this one sorted.

Reddit | JigglyPluMs

The railing actually goes to the front step, not the side steps, right? But the angle of the lower rail has me second-guessing.

The floating fisherman always wins.

Reddit | whywee

If it weren't for the zipper flap on his shorts, you wouldn't even know his lower half was there. That's how well the color blends into the lake, and how perfectly positioned his legs are behind the kids.

What the heck?

Reddit | amsimone

Well, we know there can't really be a hot dog coming out of this guy's eye, so there must be something funny going on with reflections and whatnot.

Did this dog just receive some shocking news?

Reddit | epher95

Well, maybe. If so, the bone in its mouth is making its reaction even more exaggerated.

Do all of these flowers have bumblebees gathering pollen in them?

Reddit | Mr_Merihk

No, they don't. They've just developed pistils that look like bumblebees, which is definitely a neat trick.

I know this glass-covered building is just reflecting things, but the lines are getting me.

Reddit | Drunkenm4ster

It's like a building straight out of The Matrix that hasn't fully finished rendering just yet.

How has this not fallen over?

Reddit | Sander738

I have never seen a more physics-defying game of Jenga in my life. Even if those tiles are glued together, that stack should have fallen.

This has a distinct watermelon vibe, but it's clearly not watermelon.

Reddit | TheLion37

It's a pool noodle that has been left out in the sun so long, the color has bleached away.

What are the odds?

Reddit | sasacargill

It's not the same car being reflected, but the reflection still fills in the portion of this car that would otherwise be blocked out.

So apparently push pins can be fused to school erasers?

Reddit | butterblaster

The working theory is that the plasticizer that makes the eraser soft can work on the plastic in the push pins over time and break them down.

Just a perfectly nice, normal flower arrangement.

Reddit | B1rdIsTheWord

Until you notice the bowl it's in is filled with baby carrots. Maybe they provide nutrients?

Imagine seeing this at the top of every hour.

Reddit | dtwuva

Just perfect alignment for the lock screen, to have the cat's eyes line up so the zeroes give it glasses.

Is it just me, or are those chimneys looking down at us?

Reddit | Captaincr888py

Not just looking down, but judging, amirite? I know it's just shadows at work, but still.

Well that's a heck of a thing to wake up from a nap to.

Reddit | 901koala

Obviously the semi is being towed down the highway, but if that wouldn't make your palms go sweaty, I don't know what would.

Cutting into a cantaloupe and finding two cores has to be an odd experience.

Reddit | sav01eekcm

I know I've never seen one like it before. Guess two cantaloupes must have forgotten to split off earlier in their development.

This is, believe it or not, a lemon.

Reddit | trickle_rick

If life threw lemons like this at you, could you even make lemonade? Apparently the rest of the lemons on the tree it came from look as round as we're used to seeing, so it's hard to say for sure what happened with this one.

This would be a great pic of the Moon if it was a pic of the Moon.

Reddit | SupahKillerx

But it's not. It's a pic of a dirty light bulb on a lamp.

Now that's some humidity for you.

Reddit | evily2k

Weather channels should really start using "humid enough to unfold a fortune cookie" as part of their humidity index.

I definitely thought someone had just taken a pic of a sock they dropped on the floor at first.

Reddit | PlasmaFerrari

But it's actually a lotion spill, which is much more difficult to clean up.

That eyebrow gap is a pretty amazing family trait.

Reddit | zoeck014

The power of genes can be pretty mind-blowing when you see it on display so vividly.

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