
35 People Who Managed To Trick Us Pretty Well

As smart as we all like to pretend we are, everyone gets fooled from time to time. Sometimes it's harmless pranks, an unexpected surprise, or our eyes playing tricks on us. No matter the context, it all ends the same, with us feeling silly.

But that feeling should be honored, y'know? So why not take this list as a moment to admit that yeah, maybe these would have fooled us too. It's okay, you can let go for a few minutes, you're safe here.

A timeless prank, but with layers.

Reddit | pudka

Honestly I'd be happy the whole way through. Who doesn't want a good serving of Chinese food?

Eating asphalt.

Reddit | iheartbadart

At first this looks like a poor tale of someone making the worst fall of their life, but then you come to learn it's actually a plastic retainer. Past crisis averted.

"Confusing trick-or-treaters with a posable skeleton arm for the last 2 years."

Reddit | left-shoulder-closed

Man if he built on this idea, he could win costume contests across the nation. But spooking little kids is always fun too.

Apparently you can buy fake chicken eggs to help encourage chickens to lay their own.

Reddit | MysterioWoman

I know the point of these is for tricking chickens, but knowing me I'd fall for any prank involving these. I'm not perceptive and it's entirely my fault.

"Spend over an hour searching on the net for solutions to while my mouse didn’t work."

Reddit | Wickednoller

Ah, a classic. I've seen this done so many times I now always flip my mouse over if it ever stops working, and I live alone!

"My husband hates when there are small quantities of leftovers in the fridge. My son pranked him for April Fools by filling 22 containers, each with one strand of spaghetti."

Reddit | nonnahinnor

I'm always stubborn and hungry enough that I'd go through them all to make that bowl of pasta. No one will keep me from my dinner.

An alcohol company made a non-alcoholic beverage and put this on the label.

Reddit | doclsd

Is there a drink that's unsafe for teleportation?

The inside of this lime is orange, for some reason.

Reddit | hair_of_the_squid

Is it too much to ask nowadays for a lime to be a lime? Must I always prepare for citrus surprises?

This elaborate senior prank that made it looks like a car crashed into the school.

Reddit | Detective51

I couldn't even get a group project finished in high school, how do teenagers have this much coordination?

This is a safe built to look like a Rubik's Cube, where a certain color combo will open it.

Reddit | Cassiedanine

We're past safes, past those little empty chapstick tubes to hide money in, this is the future.

The latest rising Instagram star.

Reddit | conianz

Slap a few more filters on that potato and it could be used to catfish people.

Sometimes pranks are fun and sometimes they're evil.

Reddit | flagren

If you do or have done this, know that I'm coming for you.

This tree looks like it has bricks inside of it.

Reddit | toastergrape

Is it nature? Architecture? Modern art? An accident? Whatever it is it's hurting my brain.

"Someone made a fake sticker so good that the rental company didn't notice it before sending the lift back out."

Reddit | alfalfasprouts

No one better snitch on this sticker, it needs to stay on for as long as possible.

Plastic wrap pulled so tight it's invisible.

Reddit | burstaneurysm

You know those 'plastic wrap across the doorway' pranks? I'm just saying, it can be done better. We have the tools.

"My friend lost his leg in a motorcycle accident a few years ago. This was his April fools joke to the kids playing in the park."

Reddit | redlief

This is what can happen when you take a bad experience and make it into something fun. Or terrifying, depending on your perspective. Either works.

The next Michelangelo.

Reddit | roorocket69

I sure was tricked by this artist's pure, raw talent. I almost thought it was a real dog for a second.

The ol' bait and switch.

Reddit | Boogsiefil

Yes, the contents of these bags were switched. Yes, it was a prank. Yes, it fills me with a rage I've never experienced before.

I don't think kids are allowed in that section.

Reddit | Judah12765

It's impressive that his parents managed to remain distracted for long enough for him to get up there unassisted. No wonder helicopter parents are a thing.

Happy infuriating Easter.

Reddit | [deleted]

Someone is gonna try to open that bin to see if any are inside and be in for a cruel surprise.

The blind man gag.

Reddit | flycounter

You're gonna want to make sure you keep your distance from this driver! I mean, you know what they say about Dodge drivers.

Not exactly what he meant.

Reddit | jun_yi

Well, they do make a very nice couple. Mannequins deserve to be happy as well guys!

The old fake socket trick.

Reddit | ryusomad

The person who posted this had apparently found this in a busy airport terminal and wrote, "Been here for 10 minutes and have seen 5 people try it." This is just cruel!

Don't listen to her!

Reddit | Eloquentdyslexic

No matter how much it whines or tries to guilt-trip you, do not fall for their wily ways! I also can hear the screaming by just looking at its face!

Dr. Hedgehog will see you now.

Reddit | mattyfarina

I think that Dr. Hedgeh needs to really shorten their name tag and get rid of that extra white space. I mean, it's just asking for trouble otherwise!

"Heard a coworker yelling 'COPY!' at the new printer. We seem to have a troll..."

Reddit | deltahokie

Ah, the classic voice commands trick. This one is so simple, yet so effective. I particularly enjoy when people fall for thinking toilet flushes are voice-controlled... not that I have ever fallen for it.

Always check your sources!

Reddit | bigpoppinstlye

Now, I'm no scientist, but I'm fairly certain that Mycoxafloppin is not the correct scientific name for Viagra, no matter how much I wish it were.


Reddit | duttin26

I wonder how many people actually screamed into the intercom? Imagine how loud that must have been in the cashier's headset!

"My Co-worker's clever iPad wrapping... His wife will be severely trolled."

Reddit | moosequest

Wow, that is a brave man! I wouldn't fancy trying that unless I was prepared to be hit in the head with an iPad.

"Wife asked for ice cream. Hers is beans. I'm a terrible person."

Reddit | Mikeg90805

Yes, yes you are a terrible person, person who posted this! I wonder if they froze the refried beans first, or if they served them nice and room temperature?

When you need a quick and effective way to freak out the kids.

Reddit | Toma-

It's making me feel nauseous just looking at this and thinking about the very idea of chugging mayonnaise. Let's move swiftly on before I vomit!

That's not a sound boom...

Reddit | Sv182

Apparently, this poor PA was holding that duster for hours after they told him it was a boom. Also, just a heads up for whoever posted this, we can tell the difference between a boom and a duster, easy on those circles and arrows my man!

"My kid took the batteries out of the remote then asked me to change the channel."

Reddit | DomesticBetty

Pranks that involve people messing with appliances should be banned. I have zero chill when it comes to appliances not working, so this remote would have been launched out the window immediately!

I don't think they meant it quite so literally...

Reddit | Peggles1011

University campuses aren't like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory where everything is edible, as one student clearly found out to their dismay.

"My 4 year old nephew about killed me last night at 2 am. He moved his child sized storm trooper into the hall next to the bathroom."

Reddit | Herosnap

Oh, come on, that's just asking for trouble! Although, now you will be able to defecate in peace knowing that there is an armed guard watching the door.