20 Things That You'd Need Seriously Sharp Eyes To Discover

Among the skills we can develop in life, the ability to hide things is probably one of the hardest to measure.

After all, for someone to be truly skilled at keeping their valued items squirrelled away, it's usually a requirement that we don't know they're doing it.

Nonetheless, we can sometimes find out that people have some ingenious ways of concealing something by stumbling upon by chance or discovering them after a fundamental change in the landscape around these stowed secrets.

And while some of the secrets we're about to uncover are better described as subtle winks than closely-guarded treasures, it's still pretty wild to see how cleverly people can try to ensure you never see their brilliance.

If you're looking at this and only see a toothbrush, then you've confirmed that the uploader's mother-in-law knows what she's doing.

She has a tendency to hide money in her gifts and if you look closely, you can see a little cash peeking out of the right side of the brush next to the word "Colgate."

Although these little plastic babies don't seem so well-hidden now, they're much harder to find when you have to look for them in an entire restaurant.

As the uploader explained, they're a part of the cleaning crew that regularly works a Jimmy Johns locations and staff there apparently leave these behind to ensure the cleaners "did their job."

Not only is this the perfect way to make a cleaning crew hate you, but one commenter pointed out that it's not even an effective way of testing them because cleaners are often instructed not to touch anything that doesn't belong in the trash.

So these might remain untouched even if the place is spotless. Maybe somebody should spend less time honing their hiding skills and more time honing their people skills.

Although these stairs do seem to have a weird outline to them, that doesn't necessarily mean we'd expect it to serve as the secret doorway to a hidden room.

And while this house's new owners discovered that the room is mostly full of disorganized junk, it does apparently contain a book about the flora and fauna of Central America that was printed all the way back in 1706.

That's quite the amazing (and potentially lucrative) find.

When someone examined their new Series X Xbox, they discovered that it had this friendly little greeting from Microsoft on the bottom.

From there, they were amazed to learn that this "hello from Seattle" message has been appearing on Xbox consoles since the original model came out in 2001.

I was always more of a Playstation kid so I can't really say I knew that either.

Although it's unclear why this needed to be hidden so well, it definitely seems hard to find.

After all, this switch doesn't open a panic room or a treasure hall or something.

All it does is turn on the light in the little hallway between the bathrooms and the main part of an Italian grocery store.

If you're wondering why this magnifying glass has a secret compartment specifically intended for screw heads, it helps to know that this wasn't hidden on purpose.

Apparently, this wasn't sold as a standalone magnifying glass, but rather as part of a kit that also included a screwdriver.

So instead of being a general magnifying glass, it was specifically intended to make it easier to work with particularly small screws. That explains that.

At first glance, you might not believe me when I tell you that you should be able to recognize where this floor is.

After all, these are just floor tiles that could be anywhere, right? Well, look closer and you may see a familiar fold in the large gray tiles. If not, that little "stamp" at the corner of each of the smaller tiles should serve as a bigger hint.

That's right, this is what the floors look like in the U.S. Postal Museum.

I'm not sure most of us really needed ideas for how to use a five gallon jug of water but its makers provided some anyway.

And while most of us likely wouldn't notice this in the wild, you've probably spotted that one of their suggested scenarios for this jug is a zombie apocalypse.

Personally, I think one apocalyptic year is more than enough, thanks.

I'm not sure what the people in this neighborhood have against street lights but this is definitely an interesting way to cover them up.

While vegetation overtakes the structures we put in certain areas all the time, the pattern of growth here seems a lot more deliberate.

While this person's art project may not be difficult to spot, the real mischief at work here is a little less obvious.

Namely, that the Rubik's cube they painted is unsolvable and that's not just because it's a solid concrete block.

It's because there are two yellow squares that share an edge. That evil genius.

Geocaching is a favorite activity for those who love hiding stuff but even among experienced hunters, this would be an exceedingly difficult find.

It's hard not to be impressed by the fact that they were able to hide such a large container in a hollowed-out stump.

At the same time, I can also see how it would be maddening to try and find this.

They often say that the most effective place to hide is in plain sight.

And while we've been trained to be suspicious of bookcases and paintings by movies, it turns out that the real treasures were disguised by the boring old filing cabinet all along.

While the uploader was fascinated to learn that a plumber put a stack of coins in their shower door hinges 13 years ago, they learned the hard way that they did that for a reason.

Those 20 cent coins weren't just there for fun, they were there to help level the door out. So when the uploader reinstalled the door, they followed the plumber's lead and put them back.

One thing we've learned in recent years is that each piece of construction or utility equipment we see every day probably has a charming name attached to it.

And while the name of this New Zealand crane may sound cute on its own, it's actually a clever reference to a nationally famous rugby player named Richie McCaw.

Apparently, the staff at Kroger like to have a little fun with their product labels.

And I can't help but feel oddly satisfied that the first place their minds went when they were talking about jazz apples was Bee Movie.

Unless they're just genuinely curious as to whether I like jazz and have no idea what I'm talking about.

The people at Jeep seem to like included a few "Easter eggs" in their designs and this Wrangler JL is no exception.

It's subtle but you might notice some dots and dashes under the L in this logo. That's apparently Morse Code for the letters J and L.

I can't say I've ever thought about what a cue ball looks like on the inside but it turns out that this one has a little secret.

Once this one was damaged enough to chip away the outer shell, it was discovered that it had a different pool ball inside of it all along.

I guess the "3" ball here got a promotion.

This person simply regarded this as a bench but it turns out that it was also a handy way for this house's construction crew to conceal a troublesome boulder.

Apparently, you have three options when you encounter a feature like this on a building sight. You can either get a bunch of explosives and blow it up, spend a whole of of money and time getting the equipment together to break it up and haul it out in pieces, or simply build around it.

As we can see, they went with the easiest option in this case and I suppose it worked pretty well since the boulder was only revealed long after the fact.

While a lot of the items we've discussed today were hidden for fun or convenience, the stakes were much higher in this case.

As we can see, someone who was caught in a dangerous situation during World War II hollowed this book so they could hide a pistol and its magazine inside.

Since this is now on display in the Gestapo Museum in Kraków, Poland, I think we've got a sense of how desperate their circumstances were.

Of course, humans aren't the only ones capable finding clever ways to hide their valuables or themselves.

Anyone who's had to deal with an engine block full of acorns knows that but it's also evident in the way this spider concealed itself in a socket.

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