Reddit | Dinkytown35

10+ Ridiculous Photos That Make Knee-Slapping An Olympic Sport

Bad things happen all the time—but don't be glum! Funny things happen too, and sometimes we're lucky enough to catch them on camera.

These photos are so hilarious that you're bound to laugh at at a time that probably isn't the most appropriate.

It's okay, we forgive you.

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Reddit | robust345

The New York Fire Department had to help the New York Police Department out of a broken elevator.

I guess this is kind of like when a doctor gets a cold?

Celebrate Good Times


These bros threw their friend a party to make him feel better after he got fired from his job. The sash may have taken things a little too far.

The Reason You Drink

Reddit | gimmieitall89

A boss decided to gift his employees with bottles of wine, but with a special twist.

Honestly, speak the truth dude.


Reddit | funrunnnnn

When a mom asked her husband for an update on how his day with the kids was going, she received this picture in response.

To be fair, they look like they're enjoying themselves.

The Truth Hurts

Reddit | yoseph_G

This is the opposite of false advertising. This is the kind of truth-telling we need in our day and age.

I'll take it!

Put That Thing Back Where It Came From

Reddit | WrongSock689

Kids are, creative? Barbie didn't really need her head anyway.

We All Have Our One Thing

Reddit | moreovermoreover

Most dogs are obsessed with a certain toy or type of dog treat. This dog, however, is obsessed with carrots.

To each their own happy pup, to each their own.

RIP Batteries

Reddit | run_baby_run00

That pun is so bad that it killed me and now I'm a ghost. BOOOOOO. I haunt the energizer headquarters in my spare time.

Maybe Dog People Are Right

Reddit | Sorrybutnot

On Christmas morning, this family cat got stuck in a wall.

In a wall.

What even are cats? What malevolent God created them?

Choo Choo!


That might just be the trainiest train to ever train.

Thomas The Tank Engine is SHOOK.

Big Fridge Energy

Reddit | loco560

Setting your boundaries in college is always a good idea.

Groceries are expensive, and just because Karen from Michigan State who likes horses and hiking wants to make out and steal my roommate's sweater, doesn't mean she gets my Froot Loops.

Scaredy Cat


This woman brought her less-than-cooperative cat to the vet and to her surprise, Garfield built a literal barricade.

Again, who created cats???

The World Keeps Spinning

Reddit | bluemoonbluelife

When your co-worker is a flat-earther, the only logical thing to do is to give him a globe replica as a goodbye present. Maybe it'll inspire some new opinions.

The Future Is Now


That moment when your tree juice lasts till the year 151441.

I'm kidding. Climate change will end us way before that.

Blue Screen Of Death

Reddit | 5679084

I'd laugh at this photo, but it hasn't loaded yet. Windows is still updating.

She's Pulling The Strings

Reddit | momohmy

Ask your roommate to babysit your cello. Do it. See what happens.

Fan Favorite


This Tide Pod craze has officially gone too far.

Don't you dare say anything about that costume being good enough to eat. Don't. You. Dare.

Raccoon Whisperer

Reddit | Dinkytown35

We all have our priorities. The raccoon whisperer knows his.


Reddit | roaringsaurus

Ah, yes. President Getty. Isn't that what the Gettysburg Address is all about?

Travel Bug

Reddit | 578231

This kid "filled a cup with sand from every beach he's been to on vacation this year."

Fine, you win this one kid.

Present In Disguise

Reddit | altrefrain

I thought that just wrapping a plain old box was a good enough disguise for a present, but I was wrong.

Building this must take longer than actually shopping for presents.

Extra Spicy Receipt

Reddit | Lowghen

"Spice level?"

"Make me regret being born."


...And he never lived to ask for extra spicy again.

The Ultimate Dad Joke

Reddit | PaPoptata

And then this dad laughed for hours and hours at his own answer.

No One Will Know

Reddit | dazthecat

I think we've all been waiting for people to actually try this.

Now this picture begs the question — did it actually work?


Reddit | GeorgieWashington

This is actually a really great present. It will never get old because there will always be a new picture of a guy in a t-shirt to add to it.

Special Delivery

Reddit | deadleaf_shrimp

They say that if you choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

This mailperson truly embodies this quote.

CatDog 2.0

Reddit | kradnozd

This person face-swapped his cat and dog, and it worked out far too perfectly.

Spot The Difference

Reddit | Lewy-G

That's right, it's a trick question. Because you can't.

When you see one of these photos on Instagram, just know that there were at least 10 more couples doing the same thing beside them.

Mirror Shot

Reddit | Panasonsick

Have you ever tried to take a picture of mirror to sell?

Honestly, try it. It's next to impossible.

A Beautiful Dedication

Reddit | degrudv

Our parents just want the best for us. Maybe this mother will now be at peace with her child becoming a successful author and not a murderer doctor.

No One Likes Picture Day

Reddit | wrud4d

Usually photo day is a happy time for children, but not for this guy.

He probably still doesn't like getting his picture taken to this day.

Fun Fact!

Reddit | Cadiadidntbreak

This description makes wind chimes a lot less annoying when they jingle and wake you up at 4am in a wind storm. Just remember, you're warning the people.

Float Here

Reddit | mynameizbrian

When your neighbors go to see IT: Chapter Two and they have a sewer drain on their lawn, you scare them.

When Outside Just Isn't Fun Enough

Reddit | Spinolio

This dog decided to drag the sprinkler through the doggy door.

For what reason, no one knows. But he's having a great time and that's all that matters.

There Are Such Things As Stupid Questions


It's a small price to pay, and if they feel the need to charge then it must happen way too often. They're just being smart.

Childhood Photo Gone Wrong

Reddit | dschuurmanator

The look that older sister has in her eyes is cold. I'm starting to think she was training that raccoon for this exact moment.

A New Military Division

Reddit | huh_wat_huh

This cat is officially waging war on every mouse that crosses its path, and with firepower like this I think I know who's gonna win.

The Back Of This Smoothie Bottle

Reddit | yaboiinblue

If anyone out there feels like fast-tracking a relationship, I've got a bottle here with your name one it.

Toy Story IRL

Reddit | darkandtwistysissy

These almost read like decorations, but for what holiday? Anti-Christmas?

Making A Statement

Reddit | timmy5toes

Not only is it clever, but it shows a good sense of humor. He may have lost a foot but he still has a good head on his shoulders.

Dinner For One?

Reddit | Shoddyshites

He looks kinda sad, do you think he got stood up? It's alright little buddy, there are plenty of other squirrels in the forest.

Paw Promotion

Reddit | etb190

Maybe he's just working undercover. They know there's a bad dog on the force and this guy's gonna sleuth him out.

A Warm Massage

Reddit | atwistedcyclepath

With the face that sun is giving, I'd say it looks more like a pep talk before a fight. You're gonna go in that ring and give 'em hell, Admiral.

A Perfect Couple

Reddit | -Listening

Aww, they're friends! I like to think the residents call each other up to see how things are going. "Still boring here, how about you?" "Dull as always."

A Compelling Offer

Reddit | crybabezzz

This is the most honest job posting I've ever seen.

Always Check The Size When Buying Something Online

Reddit | BuddyBonButt

Can we really be sure the dog didn't buy this for themself? They look like they're trying to keep their cool for the photo before going absolutely ham on that bone.

Effective Measures

Reddit | catheww

This one is all fun and games until you're in traffic. Or on a motorcycle.

Mistakes Were Made

Reddit | hayabusabjj

I have a lot of questions but none of them matter as much as my concern for that peanut butter covered tablet.

Fat Fred

Reddit | etb190

Laugh at the signs all you want, I'm gonna be over here frantically searching for where to find a cat-sized beach chair.