
18 Plant-Lovers Who Turned Their Homes Into Indoor Jungles

I've been a plant-lover for as long as I can remember. I guess it's because I grew up in a house with lots of greenery. I can thank my mom for instilling a love of gorgeous plants into my heart.

So if you also dream of creating an indoor oasis, why not get some inspiration from these folks who clearly have a green thumb? Feast your eyes on this beautiful scenery here.

1. This Cozy Display

Oh my goodness. How cozy is this plant display here? I love the fact that the sun shines right through all these plant babies. I bet that's exactly why they're thriving so well in here and I love it.

2. This Super Cool Living Room

Hey, let me ask you this: What do you think of this living room? Could you see yourself chilling here every day? I think so. I love how this person incorporated such cozy lighting together with their plants.

3. This Gorgeous Corner

Oh my! What have we got here, huh? I can see that all these plants are getting to know each other quite well, ha, ha! They must be because this space here is very close for comfort indeed.

4. This Bedroom Plant Shelf

For a while now, I've wanted to create a fancy hanging plant shelf. See, the thing is, we have slanted walls in our home now, so this idea will have to wait. Until then, I will use this as my inspiration.

5. This Hanging Display

If you can make your houseplants grow like this, you're definitely doing something right. I'm in awe of the sheer volume of the leaves these babies have displayed here. I wonder how long it took them to grow this way.

6. This Room With A View

Give it to these plants for picking the best view in the house. It looks to me that all this sunshine is doing great things for them. They definitely look like they're happy and thriving here.

7. This Cozy Nook

If you can keep both plants and cats alive, you are definitely doing something right in your life. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that is not an easy feat, that's for sure. So kudos to this person for doing so.

8. This Lovely Peek

Wouldn't it be cool if you could peek through some people's homes to see how they have created an indoor oasis? Well, voilĂ ! Your wish is my command. I love how green everything looks here. These plants seem so happy, no?

9. This Cool Array Of Plants

I wonder if it's easier for some plants to thrive growing together? Perhaps they're just like people and may not always get along. Have you ever thought about that, or am I the only weird one?

10. This Neat Spot

Let me ask you: do you prefer to spread out your plants throughout your home or keep them in one corner? I guess I'm a fan of both methods. It all depends on the kind of space you have available, no?

11. This Cozy Bathroom

Are you one of those people who loves to have plants in the bathroom? Ha, ha! I really dig that. I wish our bathroom were big enough for at least a plant or two. I think I would really enjoy that.

12. This Incredible Scene

If you can create something like this in your home, you are truly lucky in life. I would expect to see this type of scene in a house in Europe, but this is actually San Francisco. Wow!

13. This Peaceful Living Room

One of the things I like to evoke in my living space is the feeling of complete peace. I hope I'm not the only one who feels that vibe looking at this living room here.

14. This Happy Kitchen

Aww, look at that! Not only are the plants enjoying their days in the sun but so are the dogs. Heck, if I was able to hang out here, I would be happy as a clam, too, hee-hee!

15. This Awesome Array Of Plants

I have to admit this is the kind of vibe I would be going for if I had the space. All these plants here look so healthy and happy. This is exactly what I am striving to create one day.

16. This Gem Of A Bedroom

Wow! It seems to me that this person not only has a fascination with plants but also mirrors. What do you think? There is something about this room that gives me an Alice in Wonderland kind of feel.

17. This Use Of Greenery In This Living Room

One day, I would love to shower my living room with lots of green plants. Right now, we don't have the space, but I dream of the day I can make it a reality.

18. This Awesome Progress Picture

Get this it only took this person 1.5 years to turn their bedroom into this. Aww! I don't know about you, but I'm in love with this room. I bet they get an amazing night of sleep.

Oh wow!

Unsplash | Arlan Santos

Looking at these beautiful indoor jungles made my heart feel warm. I can't wait for the day when I, too, can have so many plant babies. So tell me, how do you create an indoor oasis in your home? Give me your secrets. I need all the tips I can get.