He Cooks, She STEALS! 👨‍🍳🍴 Roommate Drama Boils Over When Mom Won't Stop Eating His Food

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Diply | Diply

🍳 Buckle up, folks! We've got a sizzling story straight from the kitchen of roommate drama! 🔥 Our chef extraordinaire is cooking up a storm at 6AM every day, but it seems like his culinary creations are being devoured by an unexpected guest... his roommate's mother! 😱 Is this a case of a peckish parent or a serious overstepping of boundaries? 🤔 Let's dive into this spicy tale and find out! 🌶️

🍳 Cooking Up a Storm... But For Who? 🤔

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

🙏 Begging for Trouble? Mom Moves In! 😬

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

👨‍🍳 Chef's Dilemma: Cooking Up a Storm at 6AM! ⏰

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

🍳 Early Bird Gets the... Lunch? 🌅

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

🍽️ Just a Taste... Or the Whole Plate? 😠

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

🙅‍♂️ Enough is Enough! Two Weeks of Lunchless Days! 😤

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

🏃‍♂️ Packing My Bags... Over Petty Food Fights? 🍽️

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

🤔 Second Thoughts... Am I Really the A-hole Here? 😕

kkdgmmgdkk | kkdgmmgdkk

Chef's Dilemma: To Stay or to Go? 🤔

Our chef is at his wit's end after weeks of his carefully prepared lunches being gobbled up by his roommate's mother! Despite confrontations, she just can't seem to keep her hands off his delicious dishes. Now, he's considering packing his bags and leaving this food fight behind, but his roommate thinks it's all just a petty reason to abandon her. Is our chef overreacting or is he justified in wanting to escape this culinary catastrophe? The internet has some thoughts, and they're piping hot! Let's see what sizzling takes people are serving up about this kitchen conundrum!

Roommate's mom stealing food is rude and entitled. NTA.

salukiqueen | salukiqueen

Roommate's mom stealing food and things, NTA wants own place. 👨‍🍳🍴

calysae | calysae

Boundary-stomping roommate drives OP to leave. 😡

Sharchir | Sharchir

Get a fridge lock box to protect your lunches 🔒

reo12312 | reo12312

Roommate decides to move out but offers to take her roommate with her to escape her possibly abusive mother 🏠❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Confronting the food thief could help, but moving out is justified 🍴

Stoat__King | Stoat__King

Grown \*\*\* woman can't get her own food 🤦‍♀️ NTA. Mini-fridge solution 🙌

DankVapor | DankVapor

Roommate is NTA for wanting food thief to pay fair rent.

TonberryKnife | TonberryKnife

Mom's not a roommate, she's a thief and a freeloader. NTA.

SnooCookies10 | SnooCookies10

Fairness in splitting expenses is important for peaceful living 👍

crybabyauror | crybabyauror

Roommate may be manipulating situation for personal gain. NTA.

CorrosiveAlkonost | CorrosiveAlkonost

Food theft is no joke. NTA for calling out theft.

No-Jellyfish-1208 | No-Jellyfish-1208

Roommate conflict over rent and food involving mom. NTA wins.

hollymayewho | hollymayewho

Roommate's mom stealing food: NTA, get out ASAP 😱

Pristine-Rhubarb7294 | Pristine-Rhubarb7294

Solving the roommate's mom problem with real consequences 💪

rusty0123 | rusty0123

Stand up for yourself and ask for compensation. NTA 👍

WorldlyDrag7662 | WorldlyDrag7662

Roommate's mom keeps stealing food; moving out seems only solution 🤷‍♂️

x33zJS | x33zJS

Roommate suggests laxatives to stop food thief, NTA

Invisibleamber | Invisibleamber

Suggests Mom might be sabotaging to bring daughter back home. Locks recommended.

HexStarlight | HexStarlight

NTA. Stand your ground and find a new place 👍

voluntold9276 | voluntold9276

Roommate's mom eating his food without permission, NTA for being upset.

Pohkopf | Pohkopf

Stand your ground, NTA! Don't let your roommate steal food 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Suggests humorous revenge ideas on food stealing roommate. 😂

FraulineShade | FraulineShade

Locking fridge storage and itemized bill for food theft. NTA.

MissMurderpants | MissMurderpants

Roommate steals food, NTA stands up for himself. 👊

calling_water | calling_water

Mature response to roommate's mom stealing food. NTA 👍

angel2hi | angel2hi

Boundaries crossed! NTA for standing up against controlling roommate's mom. 💪

HuckleberryOk1542 | HuckleberryOk1542

No reason needed to move out, NTA 🏃‍♂️👋

imvotinghere | imvotinghere

Stand your ground! 🤬 Don't let them gaslight you into thinking it's no big deal.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend's overbearing mother eats roommate's food; suggest setting boundaries. 👍

plsuh | plsuh

Food thief's mother causing trouble for roommate. NTA.

ScammerC | ScammerC

Protect your food with a mini fridge in your room 😎

DMPC1234 | DMPC1234

Roommate's mom eats his food, he's NTA for wanting to leave 🍔👋

Dangerous_Beans74 | Dangerous_Beans74

Food theft is unacceptable, NTA for not tolerating it. 💯

perhapsnew | perhapsnew

Fair split of rent and NTA for choosing living arrangements. 👍

bagelmanb | bagelmanb

Protect your food with spicy revenge or surveillance - NTA.

melympia | melympia

Roommate won't stop stealing food, NTA for being upset.

annedroiid | annedroiid

Roommate steals food, NTA suggests a solution. Hunger strikes back. 😏

MariaInconnu | MariaInconnu

Roommate can't set boundaries with mom, NTA for moving out 🏠

usernaym44 | usernaym44

Roommate steals food, commenter says she's the a**hole

CompleteFennel1 | CompleteFennel1

Roommate's overeating mom causes rift, commenter advises leaving situation.

spicy_mouse | spicy_mouse

Roommate's mom keeps stealing food, he's NTA for being upset.

rosedoesdallas | rosedoesdallas

Setting boundaries with a food thief and her mother. NTA 👍

Nowork_morestitching | Nowork_morestitching

Food thief mom + unhelpful friend = NTA frustration 🤷‍♂️

neverthelessidissent | neverthelessidissent

Roommate's mom won't pay for food, but helps herself? NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sharing rent but not food cost? Move out. 🚫

GrayBunny415 | GrayBunny415

Roommate steals food despite paying rent? NTA, stand up for yourself.

deliriousgoomba | deliriousgoomba

Stealing roomate causing drama, OP suggests spicing up leftovers. 🔥🍛

The_Sarcasticow | The_Sarcasticow

Suggesting a kind approach to roommate's possible eating disorder 🙏

terracottatilefish | terracottatilefish

Roommate's mom eats his food, commenter suggests chili revenge and rent increase.

littleghostpeep | littleghostpeep

Creative solutions suggested for food-stealing roommate dilemma.

GlobalSkull | GlobalSkull

Roommate's entitled mom eats his food, friend suggests moving out.

NeverNuked | NeverNuked

Roommate's mom is an a-hole for eating his food and freeloading. NTA.

fedupkat | fedupkat

Set boundaries with your roommate and her food-stealing mom 👍

rororourboat | rororourboat

Respect matters! Friend's disregard for boundaries is concerning 😑

Mumofalltrades63 | Mumofalltrades63

Locking mini-fridge for stolen lunches. NTA. 🤷🏼

WA_State_Buckeye | WA_State_Buckeye

Roommate's mother lacks respect, possibly pushing daughter to move home. NTA 👍

subrhythm | subrhythm

Protect your food with a mini fridge or lockbox 🛈 but Mom is TA 🤪

TNAriesTiger | TNAriesTiger

Mom steals food, NTA sets boundaries and suggests a lock 🔐

BaadDaddy | BaadDaddy

"Not cool, but I understand." Roommate's mom is 100% A-hole 👎

Advice_Samaritan | Advice_Samaritan

NTA suggests a prank with laxatives for food-stealing roommate.

LadyGenetics333 | LadyGenetics333

Lock up your food, not your feelings. 😏

SuperLoris | SuperLoris

Respect your property and meals 🍟. NTA

LinwoodKei | LinwoodKei

Protect your groceries with a mini fridge and lock boxes! 📺🔒

An-Empty-Road | An-Empty-Road

Lock up your food or charge her for it! 💰

Professional_Emu8922 | Professional_Emu8922

Escape the food thief and find peace 👏🏼

Prudent_Valuable603 | Prudent_Valuable603

Roommate's mother eats his food, he kicks her out. NTA 👍

Tangled_Up_In_Blue22 | Tangled_Up_In_Blue22

Protect your food! NTA for setting boundaries. 👍

Redbird9346 | Redbird9346

Roommate's mom stealing food, commenter suggests charging or laxatives. 😳

MiniatureAdult | MiniatureAdult

Don't be a rug! 🚫 Stand up to food thieves. NTA.

EvenGoat1136 | EvenGoat1136

Solve roommate theft with a bar fridge and a lock 🔒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate's mom eating his food and invading personal space, NTA

ThaneOfCawdorrr | ThaneOfCawdorrr

Suggests solutions for food theft and roommate's mom invasion. 💪

Educational_Beyond27 | Educational_Beyond27

Roommate's entitled mom steals food, NTA for wanting compensation or solution.

Sfb208 | Sfb208

Roommate steals food, NTA suggests locking mini fridge. 👨‍🍳🍴

introverted_smallfry | introverted_smallfry

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