Dad REFUSES to Pay for Adopted Daughter's College 😱💔

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a doozy of a family drama on our hands. 🙊 Meet our protagonist, a loving parent caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to funding their daughters' college educations. 🎓💸 With a tale spanning decades and filled with unexpected twists, this story is sure to tug at your heartstrings and make you question what's truly fair. 🤔💔 So grab some popcorn 🍿, settle in, and let's dive into this emotional rollercoaster ride! 🎢😱

A Tale of Three Daughters 👧👧👧

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

The Biological Duo & The Adopted Angel 😇

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Grandparents' Generosity... But Not For All 💸

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Tragedy Strikes, Leaving Youngest Without 💔

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Oldest Daughter's College Journey 🎓

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Middle Child's Community College & Grad School Path 📚

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Parents' Stance on Student Loans 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Youngest's Turn, Savings Fall Short 😥

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Youngest Assumes Parents Will Take Loans 🤔

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Family at a Standstill 😶

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Are We The A**holes? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

The Numbers Game: Oldest vs. Youngest 🔢

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

State School vs. Private: The Cost Difference 💰

pitifulcheetah486 | pitifulcheetah486

Family Feud: The College Conundrum 🎓💸🔥

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of family drama! 🙊 Our protagonist finds themselves in quite the pickle, trying to navigate the treacherous waters of college funding for their three daughters. 🌊😰 With the biological duo benefiting from grandparents' generosity and the adopted angel left to fend for herself, tensions are running high! 😤💔 The youngest is throwing down the gauntlet, demanding equal treatment, while the parents stand their ground. 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️ Who will emerge victorious in this epic showdown? 🤺 The internet is abuzz with opinions, so let's see what the masses have to say about this juicy dilemma! 🗣️📢

Adopted daughter not entitled to dad's money for college 😐

RandomizedNameSystem | RandomizedNameSystem

Adopted daughter's college funds: NTA, minority view 👍

Rainbowbright31 | Rainbowbright31

NTA, life isn't always fair, scholarships and loans help 👍

WickedAngelLove | WickedAngelLove

Adopted daughter upset over college funds, but NAH in reality.

Quentanimobay | Quentanimobay

Complex situation, but NTA. Life happens and things aren't fair.

questar723 | questar723

NTA vote defended, with advice to be supportive and helpful 👍

honey-smile | honey-smile

Support for adoptive father's difficult decision. 👏

_Eztli | _Eztli

No money, no college. NTA did the best they could 👍

Latter-Shower-9888 | Latter-Shower-9888

Adopted daughter's college funds: NTA for not splitting savings.

ThrowAwayMomSchool | ThrowAwayMomSchool

Adopted daughter not entitled to same gift as bio siblings 😒

JsCTmav | JsCTmav

Dad saves up for daughters' college, can't control unequal amounts. NTA

RecommendsMalazan | RecommendsMalazan

Adopted daughter upset over college funds. NTA but explain kindly.

JenJoyce | JenJoyce

Curious about the financial discrepancy between the children's college funds?

kathasnofriends | kathasnofriends

Adopted daughter vs biological daughters: NTA seeks funding solutions 👍

VFM001 | VFM001

Sometimes life isn't fair, NTA for not funding daughter's college. 😔

Previous_Light4173 | Previous_Light4173

Encouraging comment about finding scholarships for college 🎓👍

pettycandy | pettycandy

American education system sucks, not NTA refusing to pay.

MaxDeWinters2ndWife | MaxDeWinters2ndWife

Not obligated to pay for adopted daughter's college fees. 💸

DJ4116 | DJ4116

Adopted daughter not entitled to pay for expensive college. NTA.

SchminksMcGee | SchminksMcGee

Adopted daughter disadvantaged, but NTA for not paying college fees 😐

deefop | deefop

Financially-strained father seeks advice on college funds for daughter. 💰

Algebralovr | Algebralovr

Going to a private college is not worth the debt 💰. NTA.

Decent-Caramel-2129 | Decent-Caramel-2129

NTA. Prioritizing retirement savings over college expenses. 💰

throw05282021 | throw05282021

Fairness dilemma: Invested equally but youngest still unhappy about funds distribution 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Asking the important questions 🤔

CorgiGal89 | CorgiGal89

Adopted daughter not entitled to equal college savings. NTA 👍

Lexp57 | Lexp57

Parent shares advice on college finances, suggests community college route.

KickIt77 | KickIt77

NTA for not paying adopted daughter's college, different circumstances.

Scion41790 | Scion41790

Adopted daughter's feelings of inadequacy, but NAH situation overall 👍

14ccet1 | 14ccet1

Did dad adjust money for adopted daughter's college fund? 🤔

kittycatlady22 | kittycatlady22

Daughter deserves better, life isn't fair but this isn't right. NTA 👏

DujonMustard | DujonMustard

Adopted daughter wants college fund, commenter thinks community college better 💰

JennyPunk87 | JennyPunk87

Redditors discuss college expenses and adoption in comments section 😊

BreakfastLadii | BreakfastLadii

NTA commenter advises against parent loans for college education 👍

SatisfactionFit188 | SatisfactionFit188

Fair or Unfair? Adopted Daughter's College Fund Debate 🤔

britneybaby345 | britneybaby345

Student loans exist for a reason 💰💵. Life is unfair, but choices matter.

LizzyM102 | LizzyM102

Inheritance involved? Where did the money go? 🤔

trichterd | trichterd

Adopted daughter treated differently, but not by choice. NTA 👍

French_Onion_Drip | French_Onion_Drip

Grateful or entitled? Discussion on paying for daughter's college.

PipeWarm2155 | PipeWarm2155

Struggling to help adopted daughter with college? Consider scholarships and financial aid 🤔🎓

picrembup | picrembup

NTA dad encourages empathy with daughter's college situation. AA option suggested.

crazybirdlady93 | crazybirdlady93

Legal adoption or legal guardian? FAFSA and financial aid impact 🤔

Single-Concern8332 | Single-Concern8332

Adopted daughter feels 'othered' from other siblings over loans 😔

Ibelieveinoddities | Ibelieveinoddities

Unaffordable education system: commenters demand change 🎓💰

Equivalent-Coat-7354 | Equivalent-Coat-7354

Adopted daughter's college fund: NTA, but consider loan option 👍

Solala22 | Solala22

NTA. School accounts set up by in-laws, offer community college payment.

MommaHistory | MommaHistory

Not the a**hole. Parent not obligated to take on child's debt 👍

suspicious-pepper-31 | suspicious-pepper-31

NTA for not paying for adopted daughter's expensive art school. 💰👨‍👧‍👧

thebohoberry | thebohoberry

Adopted daughter not entitled to college savings, but still lucky 🍀

Ok_Fill_1372 | Ok_Fill_1372

NTA. Suggests in-state school or community college for cost-effective education.

Lilac-Roses-Sunsets | Lilac-Roses-Sunsets

Self-made college graduate says NTA to dad's refusal 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Tips for funding college and weighing community college options.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Adopted daughter has options for college, NTA for not paying.

jona10n17 | jona10n17

Adopted daughter acting entitled and greedy. NTA.

nejnoneinniet | nejnoneinniet

NTA for refusing to pay for adopted daughter's college 👍

ThatSmellsBadToo | ThatSmellsBadToo

NTA. You did what you could for your daughter's college. 👍

FieryArtemis | FieryArtemis

Step-dad not obliged to pay for adopted daughter's college 👍

I_luv_sloths | I_luv_sloths

Tips for seeking financial aid from colleges. 👍

dcoleski | dcoleski

Fair to give adopted daughter inheritance money for college? - Discussion.

AbbyPo44 | AbbyPo44

NTA suggests avoiding loans and explains the downsides and options. 💰

Floating-Cynic | Floating-Cynic

Fairness of savings for adopted daughter's college, tough situation 🤔

sitari_hobbit | sitari_hobbit

Encouraging advice for daughter to explore more college options 👍

AtmosphereOk6072 | AtmosphereOk6072

NTA. Daughter needs to learn responsibility for her own choices 🚴🏼

coffeepugsfeminism | coffeepugsfeminism

Equal contribution for all 3 children, NTA in this situation.

KnoWanUKnow2 | KnoWanUKnow2

NTA. Daughter must take responsibility for college, college is overrated 👍

BeenTooNice | BeenTooNice

Working hard for college is tough but necessary 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Opinion: Youngest daughter received enough, suggests cheaper college options. 👍

3Heathens_Mom | 3Heathens_Mom

Parent refuses to pay for adopted child's college tuition 💰

disydisy | disydisy

The commenter asks for more information about the situation 🤔

Ok-Positive2018 | Ok-Positive2018

Gender discrimination in education opportunities hits close to home 😢

Hot_Union3525 | Hot_Union3525

Financial fairness questioned in adoption case. 🤔

professorbix | professorbix

Grandparents set up unequal college funds, NTA for not changing it 👍

FollowingTheCatbus | FollowingTheCatbus

Prioritizing fairness between daughters in college expenses 💰

wlfwrtr | wlfwrtr

Compromising on $15k for college is fair. Other options exist. 👍

lmholot1981 | lmholot1981

Adopted daughter upset over less college savings. Is she TA?

tonizamorano | tonizamorano

Creative solution proposed to help daughter pay for college 👍

Cezzium | Cezzium

More information needed before judging dad's refusal to pay college 👉🏻

Internal_Progress404 | Internal_Progress404

Fair judgment but may lead to long-term resentment 😔

arienette22 | arienette22

Compromising is key. In-state college could ease the financial burden. 💪🏻

PieSecret9174 | PieSecret9174

Adoptive parent questioned on financial aid and adoption expenses. 👉‍♂️

Kitchen_Jump_3827 | Kitchen_Jump_3827

Don't take out loans for an expensive college. Look for cheaper options and scholarships. 💰

HottieMcHotHot | HottieMcHotHot

Not the a**hole for not paying for college. Education inequality sucks 👎

jezbrews | jezbrews

Being a co-signer for her college loan can be helpful 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Helping adopted daughter's college could save relationship 👍

BellaLeigh43 | BellaLeigh43

Financial inequality among grandparents is unfortunate but understandable. NTA.

lollipop1me | lollipop1me

Did the dad misuse his daughter's SS benefits? 🤔

Captain-Stunning | Captain-Stunning

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