UNBELIEVABLE: Teen's Severe Spider Phobia Turns Deadly at Sleepover 😵

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🕷️😱 Imagine going to a sleepover at your new friend's house, only to have your worst fear thrown right in your face! 🙈 That's exactly what happened to me, a 15-year-old girl with a major case of arachnophobia. 🕸️🙅‍♀️ I thought I'd made it clear to my friend Jake that I didn't want any spider-related pranks, but boy, was I in for a surprise! 😨 Get ready for a tale of terror, betrayal, and a friendship put to the ultimate test. 🎢💔

🕷️ Sleepover Gone Wrong! 😱

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🙅‍♀️ Arachnophobia Alert! 🕷️

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🎥 Movie Night Bliss 😊

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🛏️ Bedtime Prep... But Where's the Spider? 🤔

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💧 A Sip of Terror! 😨

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😱 Scream and Toss! 🥛

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💔 Heartbreak and Regret 😢

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😠 Fears Dismissed, Friendship Tested 🕷️

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🚕 Midnight Cab Ride of Shame 😔

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😞 Guilt and Confusion 🤷‍♀️

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🚫 Update: Blocked! 😤

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🌈 Plot Twist: I'm Gay! 🏳️‍🌈

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Sleepover Nightmare: Pet Spider Prank Gone Wrong! 😱

Looks like Jake's little spider prank backfired big time! Our arachnophobic protagonist ended up accidentally killing the creepy-crawly when it was hidden in her water cup. Jake flipped out, kicked her out, and now he's ghosting her harder than Casper himself! 👻 Talk about a friendship on the rocks. But wait, there's more! Turns out, our leading lady is gay, so all you assuming it was a boy-girl thing can just scuttle away. Now, let's see what the internet has to say about this eight-legged drama!

Don't mess with people's phobias, especially with live animals. 😱

Loreo1964 | Loreo1964

Friend endangers tarantula, OP not at fault for fear reaction 🐞

MySquishyFishy | MySquishyFishy

Spider prank gone wrong, NTA takes no blame 🕷️

YouSayWotNow | YouSayWotNow

Defending oneself from fear doesn't make you an a**hole 🙏

killowhatwhat | killowhatwhat

Pet owner's prank goes wrong, but commenter is NTA.

Sr_Dagonet | Sr_Dagonet

Jake's mom gets called out for irresponsible behavior 😒

HalogenPie | HalogenPie

Cut off toxic friends. 👍

Capital-9 | Capital-9

Debate over responsibility for spider's death gets heated 🤬

endersgame69 | endersgame69

Friend's irresponsible behavior leaves OP stranded in the middle of night 😓

JCBashBash | JCBashBash

Sending a 15 year old home in a cab at midnight? 🤔

kweber20 | kweber20

Respect for boundaries is important, especially when it's a phobia 🙏

SeparateDisaster2068 | SeparateDisaster2068

Parenting or neglect? A skeptical comment on a tragic story.

Issie_Bear | Issie_Bear

Respecting others' fears is crucial. Being kind > being cruel 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

A traumatic experience with roaches and a vindictive boyfriend's dad 😱 NTA

999demonspawn666 | 999demonspawn666

TikTok creator with ball python gets called out for endangerment 🐍

Puzzled_Juice_3406 | Puzzled_Juice_3406

NTA. Commenter relates story to similar incident.

fanime34 | fanime34

Crippling phobias should never be taken lightly 😱

vwscienceandart | vwscienceandart

Spider owner calls out irresponsible tarantula owner for endangering pet 🐞

trash_fire_dumbass | trash_fire_dumbass

Spider-induced tragedy narrowly avoided, commenter shares personal experience.

Alternative_Room4781 | Alternative_Room4781

Pet owner irresponsibility leads to tragic consequences 😞

SnowLancer616 | SnowLancer616

Spider spared, OP not at fault. Sympathetic commenters support.

Alert-Artichoke-2743 | Alert-Artichoke-2743

Heartless mother sends traumatized teen home alone after sleepover 😔

Sus_no_cap | Sus_no_cap

NTA for not wanting to play with tarantulas. Friend was irresponsible.

Creeper-in-a-boat | Creeper-in-a-boat

A traumatic spider bite led to severe arachnophobia and panic.

Ok_Double9430 | Ok_Double9430

Defender of the tarantula in a tragic spider phobia story 🐛

murrdurrhurr | murrdurrhurr

Legitimate phobia used against someone - NTA. TAH.

Kiki-Y | Kiki-Y

Teen's friend puts spider on arachnophobe's shoulder, commenter not impressed.

WA_State_Buckeye | WA_State_Buckeye

NTA: Commenter sympathizes with victim of deadly spider prank.

agirlnamedyeehaw | agirlnamedyeehaw

Friend's cruel prank with tarantula results in tragic death. NTA.

Bao-Babe | Bao-Babe

Jake drowned his own spider to mess with the commenter. NTA.

Sucer_mon_cul | Sucer_mon_cul

Party-goer accidentally kills pet tarantula in spider prank 😱

Ok-Thing-2222 | Ok-Thing-2222

Self-defense or animal abuse? Commenter defends throwing cup at spider 🕷️

diaperedwoman | diaperedwoman

Teen's spider phobia puts life at risk at sleepover 😵

KalKrypton | KalKrypton

Owning a pet T is a responsibility, NTA but still sad 😢

LovingAftereffects | LovingAftereffects

Cutting ties with a spider prankster 😵

ElCoyote_AB | ElCoyote_AB

A relatable fear of bugs and their presence on our bodies 😱

bagels_are_alright | bagels_are_alright

Spider phobia leads to deadly sleepover - NTA

nofun-ebeeznest | nofun-ebeeznest

Compassionate comment about cruel tarantula prank with no replies

Lady_Kaya | Lady_Kaya

Fear of spiders leads to sleepover drama, lucky outcome 😅

Sexi_Rasputiaa01 | Sexi_Rasputiaa01

Stupid TikTok prank leads to deadly consequences, lesson learned. 🙄

Tall-Poem-6808 | Tall-Poem-6808

Dog used in prank ends up dead. Friend is TA 🐶

Proof-Elevator-7590 | Proof-Elevator-7590

Empathetic reply to cruel prank with pet spider 🕷️

mommylow5 | mommylow5

NTA sympathizes with tarantula, blames ex-friend for endangerment 🐛

jamieaiken919 | jamieaiken919

Sibling bond over spider phobia, NTA throws spider cup 😱

Competitive_Fee_5829 | Competitive_Fee_5829

Teen's mom sends friend home in cab at midnight. Irresponsible parenting.

AccomplishedCake1714 | AccomplishedCake1714

Friend realizes past insensitivity towards phobia, makes amends. NTA 👍

Possible-Ad-2259 | Possible-Ad-2259

Empathetic reply to victim-blaming, with NTA verdict. 😟

RosesRfree | RosesRfree

Friend played a shitty prank on spider-phobic teen. NTA 👍

kirk2enterprise1701 | kirk2enterprise1701

Teen's severe spider phobia turns deadly at sleepover. NTA.

PsilosirenRose | PsilosirenRose

Compassionate comment reminds us of the harm we cause unknowingly ❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Apologized for fear, warned him, he planned it - NTA 🙅

willthesane | willthesane

Spiders and sleepovers - a deadly combination? Not for this NTA!

LetsGetsThisPartyOn | LetsGetsThisPartyOn

Teasing a friend with a severe phobia goes wrong 😵

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend tries to scare her with spider, gets kicked out NTA

scubagalrd | scubagalrd

Spider prank gone wrong, commenter blames victim. 🤔

gahidus | gahidus

Friend uses pet spider for prank, commenter supports OP's decision.

Cat_tophat365247 | Cat_tophat365247

Mom should've driven you home safely, NTA. 😠

National_Square_3279 | National_Square_3279

Defending against abusive behavior and accidental tarantula murder 🤪

LeafyCandy | LeafyCandy

Defending spiders and calling out a harmful prank. NTA 👍

Chaos_gr3mlin | Chaos_gr3mlin

Defending a justified reaction to spider phobia. #NTA 😊

CuriousPenguinSocks | CuriousPenguinSocks

Accusation of spider cruelty leads to NTA judgement 🔍🕷️

ExitWeird9697 | ExitWeird9697

Owner's prank ends up killing his own spider. NTA.


NTA for killing spider after warning. 🕷️

jlm20566 | jlm20566

Jake endangered his pet and ignored real requests, NTA. 😵

stonk_frother | stonk_frother

Friend endangers pet spider, commenter threatens harmful reaction. NTA. 👍

garretj84 | garretj84

Spider phobia is real and using pets for pranks is unacceptable. NTA.

Mobile_Philosophy764 | Mobile_Philosophy764

Friend gets what he deserves for mistreating spider 🕷️

Kailaylia | Kailaylia

NTA for having arachnophobia and reacting to friend's negligence 🐛

MasterOfOne | MasterOfOne

Spider lover calls out dangerous behavior at sleepover 🐛

Slammogram | Slammogram

Spider prank gone wrong. NTA, he's a dumbass. 😵

SilentJoe1986 | SilentJoe1986

Spider prank discussion takes a humane turn. 🐔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Pet tarantula owner agrees friend was wrong to prank with spider.

tinaescobar228 | tinaescobar228

Spider prank gone wrong causes tragedy. Fear of spiders justified?

Low2High92 | Low2High92

NTA stands firm in the face of blame-shifting friend 💪

yaboyACbreezy | yaboyACbreezy

Pet used as prop in spider prank, NTA calls out.

catinnameonly | catinnameonly

Respecting others' fears is important. NTA handled it well 🙌

Jupiter_quasar | Jupiter_quasar

Responsible pet owner shows empathy towards arachnophobic friend 💛

legal_bagel | legal_bagel

Friend's prank leads to fatal consequences for tarantula. NTA.

DysfunctionalCass | DysfunctionalCass

NTA, commenter empathizes with fear of pets and condemns endangerment.

tinymarsupial20 | tinymarsupial20

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