ZERO Mercy: Prof Slams Rural Student's Slow WiFi 🙅🏫😠

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Diply | Diply

🎓 Buckle up, folks! We've got a classic case of online learning woes meets unsympathetic professor. 😩 Our poor student here is stuck in the middle of nowhere with internet speeds that make dial-up look like a racecar 🐌💨. Despite giving the prof a heads up about their situation, they still got slapped with a big fat zero for a slightly late assignment. 😱 In a semester where everything's gone topsy-turvy, is our student justified in challenging their professor's iron-fisted rule? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🎓 Online Classes, Offline Problems 😩

hat-organic | hat-organic

🙏 University Promises Understanding... Or Do They? 🤔

hat-organic | hat-organic

🌐 Snail-Paced Internet vs. Zero Tolerance Professor 😡

hat-organic | hat-organic

📜 No Late Work Policy in a Pandemic World 🦠

hat-organic | hat-organic

🤐 Professor MIA: No Videos, No Zoom, Just Due Dates 📅

hat-organic | hat-organic

🙋‍♀️ First Time Challenging Authority... Am I Wrong? 😕

hat-organic | hat-organic

⏰ I Upload Early, But WiFi Says 'Not Today!' 🐌

hat-organic | hat-organic

🎓 Student vs. Professor: The Online Learning Showdown! 🥊

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a good old-fashioned university drama! 🍿 Our student is stuck between a rock (their snail-paced internet) and a hard place (a professor who seems to have missed the memo about being understanding during a pandemic). 😒 Despite giving plenty of notice about their less-than-ideal learning situation, our student still got hit with a zero that could jeopardize their scholarship. 😱 The prof has been about as communicative as a brick wall, leaving our student wondering if they're in the right for wanting to challenge authority. 🤔 Is the student being unreasonable, or is the professor being a bit of an a-hole? 🍑 Let's see what the internet jury has to say about this academic conundrum! 👨‍⚖️👩‍⚖️

Encouraging response to unfair grading with actionable steps 👍

vintagescarcastic | vintagescarcastic

Professor breaks university promise, student not at fault 💪

flooperdooper4 | flooperdooper4

Use your Word editing time as proof of assignment completion 👍

the_mickie | the_mickie

Student rightfully complains about unfair zero due to slow WiFi.

deb160702 | deb160702

Equity > Equality: Rural student's slow WiFi puts them at disadvantage

KZ020 | KZ020

Setting boundaries with rude people is always reasonable 😤

[deleted] | [deleted]

Fight back against unethical professors with proper channels 💪

spockstar | spockstar

Bad communication and grading leads to professor's downfall 🙅😠

MotherofAsh19 | MotherofAsh19

Leniency encouraged for students with technological issues. NTA comment.

coldgator | coldgator

Flexible professor vs. merciless professor with slow WiFi 💁🏻🤔

airus92 | airus92

Grateful for support in dealing with slow WiFi issue 🙏

Hat-Organic | Hat-Organic

Slow WiFi? NTA says report the professor not doing his job 📱

BlazingBolt2002 | BlazingBolt2002

Polite email to dept chair may get leniency for slow WiFi 🙏

calm-wolverine | calm-wolverine

Tenured professor supports rural student with slow WiFi during pandemic 👏

Systeme_D | Systeme_D

Legitimate reasons for delay during pandemic. Professor is TA. 🙅

clevelandcray | clevelandcray

Slow WiFi drama - NTA seeks justice from department head 💪

GreyOlson | GreyOlson

Supportive comment urges reporting unfair professor over slow WiFi 👏

ThatQueerWerewolf | ThatQueerWerewolf

Flexibility is key during pandemic, rural students face challenges 👍

byorderofthe | byorderofthe

Company orders hotspots for employees, professor needs to be flexible 😎

femmemalin | femmemalin

Student's poor internet not an excuse for missing deadline 🙅🏫

discombobul8er | discombobul8er

Supportive professor encourages reporting of abusive behavior 👍

grumpymom247 | grumpymom247

Teacher shares importance of communication with students for fair grading ⚖️

BoopySkye | BoopySkye

Encouraging advice to talk to department chair about prof's behavior 🤝

QuantumHamster | QuantumHamster

Slow rural WiFi causes issues for students, even with good intentions 🙅🏫

thekraken27 | thekraken27

Report the professor for unfair treatment towards rural students 🚨

[deleted] | [deleted]

A professor on a power trip gives a student a zero. 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Late work policy necessary for fair grading 👍

velonaut | velonaut

Understanding teacher prioritizes learning over deadlines ✍🏻

mayorofutopia | mayorofutopia

Online school challenges - flexibility with due dates is crucial! 🙌

privlaged-and-white | privlaged-and-white

Slow WiFi struggles during online classes, but understanding professors 📶👨‍🏫

ClumsyLavellan | ClumsyLavellan

Remote learning struggles: Rural student fights for fair treatment 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

UK uni offers deadline extension for students with extenuating circumstances 🙌

LongShotE81 | LongShotE81

Savage reply to entitled student blaming slow WiFi on professor 👏

Cultural-Data | Cultural-Data

Remote learning struggles: NTA Rural Student Needs Better WiFi 👏

boring_daven | boring_daven

A helpful NTA professor advises on dealing with biased professors 👍

eatingganesha | eatingganesha

Suggesting a tech-savvy solution for rural student's WiFi struggles 🤔

creative_usr_name | creative_usr_name

Creative solution proposed for slow WiFi issues 👍

BrunetteMoment | BrunetteMoment

Useful tip to overcome slow rural WiFi 👍

RubyTuesday33 | RubyTuesday33

A slow rural WiFi is no joke 😤 Professor should be more understanding

[deleted] | [deleted]

Report professor for slow WiFi shaming during pandemic. NTA.

lililac0 | lililac0

Using a mobile hotspot could solve slow rural WiFi issues 👍

qqweertyy | qqweertyy

NTA professor calls out systemic inequality in remote teaching 💯

Bonfire0fTheManatees | Bonfire0fTheManatees

Slow WiFi struggles? NTA student advised to escalate to Dean 👍

NoCherryFilling | NoCherryFilling

Retired professor supports student against unreasonable professor 😊

mshirley99 | mshirley99

Fight for fairness. Take it to the top 💪

Away-Cicada | Away-Cicada

Toxic professor told student to reschedule surgery. Report him. 😡

throwawayjj78 | throwawayjj78

NTA commenter expresses disappointment with university experience and criticizes professor's lack of responsibility.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Creative solution to slow WiFi and unfair grading policy.

DawnaZeee | DawnaZeee

A relatable struggle with a satisfying solution 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Report it! Don't take a bad grade for bad WiFi 👍

thecutestpremed | thecutestpremed

Unreasonable professor gets called out by NTA commenter.

Mint_Berry_Kush | Mint_Berry_Kush

Slow WiFi in rural areas can be a real struggle 😞

PopCornTea_ | PopCornTea_

Understanding the professor's dilemma. Speak to department head 👍

antihero790 | antihero790

Fight for your grade and scholarship 💪

Euklidis | Euklidis

Frustrated student sympathizes with OP's struggles with a terrible teacher 😠

i-cant-think-of-it | i-cant-think-of-it

Late work due to slow WiFi during pandemic? NTA! 😤

LevyApproves | LevyApproves

Responsibility praised for student with slow WiFi 💯

alexxissky | alexxissky

Rural student defends slow WiFi, urges professors to be flexible 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Unfair criticism of slow rural WiFi during pandemic. NTA wins.

xoemily | xoemily

Advocating for yourself is key! This professor needs a reality check 😠

BobbysueWho | BobbysueWho

Slow WiFi blamed on student. No mercy for late submission. 😠

codeOrCoffee | codeOrCoffee

Don't let slow WiFi ruin your grades 💪🏻🙅🏫😠

CalmAndBear | CalmAndBear

Advocating for students' rights in the face of apathy 💪

Brownmamba2020 | Brownmamba2020

Uni helps student with bad internet, prof gets called out 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Advice on dealing with slow WiFi issues in college 👍

quiannazaetz | quiannazaetz

Navigating slow WiFi during COVID-19: tips for communication with professors.

tygertje | tygertje

Understanding professors' pressures and NTA attitude towards slow WiFi.

Lozsta | Lozsta

Understanding professors vs. inflexible professors during COVID-19 😠

HowIsThatMyProblem | HowIsThatMyProblem

Pro-tip for submitting work on time with evidence 📝

FishyMeister | FishyMeister

Flexible teaching is important, professor's inflexibility is unacceptable 👎

classactdynamo | classactdynamo

Tips for handling slow rural WiFi and strict professors 📶👨‍🏫

HoodieArtist | HoodieArtist

Being understanding of rural students' internet struggles during COVID-19 👍

Plasma_Ham2 | Plasma_Ham2

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