Husband Refuses To Pay For Wife's Housekeeper - Is He Wrong? 🤔😠

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🏡 Get ready for a wild ride through the world of housekeeping drama! 🧹 When a husband and wife clash over the need for a cleaning service, sparks are bound to fly! 💥 Can this couple find a compromise, or will the dirty dishes and dusty shelves drive them apart? 😱 Buckle up, because this story is about to get messy! 🙈

🏠 The Great Housekeeping Debate! 🧹

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🙋‍♂️ Team 'Do It Ourselves' vs 👸 Team 'Keep the Housekeeper'

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💸 The Housekeeping Condition 🤝

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😔 Tough Times: Wife Loses Job 💼

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🛍️ From Career Woman to Retail Worker 🏪

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💰 Hubby to the Rescue: Covering Joint Expenses 🦸‍♂️

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💸 The $190/Week Housekeeping Dilemma 😬

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🧘‍♂️ Hubby's Stance: We Can Clean It Ourselves! 💪

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🗣️ The Great Housekeeping Argument Begins! 😠

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🧽 Hubby's Rebuttal: I Clean Too! 🧼

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🤔 The Big Question: Is Hubby the A-hole? 🍑

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🧹 Hubby's Housework Contributions Revealed! 🧽

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🗑️ More of Hubby's Cleaning Duties! ♻️

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🧴 Hubby Tackles Bathrooms & Floors Too! 🚿

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🧦 Wifey's Mess, Housekeeper's Stress? 👗

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👚 Housekeeper: Wifey's Personal Assistant? 👛

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👸 A Childhood of Daily Cleaning Luxury 🧹

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🧹 Hubby vs. Wifey: The Epic Housekeeping Showdown! 🥊

In this tale of domestic discord, a husband and wife find themselves at odds over the necessity of a pricey housekeeping service. 💸 With the wife out of work and the husband covering joint expenses, the question remains: should he foot the bill for the $190/week cleaning crew? 🤔 The hubby insists they can handle the chores themselves, while the wife argues that the housekeeper's work benefits them both. 🗣️ As tensions rise and the dust settles, the internet is left to ponder: who will emerge victorious in this epic battle of the brooms? 🧹 Let's see what the online community has to say about this messy situation! 😉

NTA suggests wife should do housework since she's working part-time 👮🏻

Lovebeingadad54321 | Lovebeingadad54321

Wife needs a reality check and a broom, NTA 👍

BulbasaurRanch | BulbasaurRanch

User believes $760/month for housekeeper is excessive, NTA

Only-Ingenuity7889 | Only-Ingenuity7889

Having a housekeeper is a luxury. If she can't afford it, tough luck 🤷‍♂️

Slurav | Slurav

NTA suggests cancelling housekeeper due to loss of income 💰

DisneyBuckeye | DisneyBuckeye

Wife wants a housekeeper but won't pay - NTA or lazy?

molewarp | molewarp

Cleanliness is next NTA's opinion on housekeeping.

Hot_Box_4574 | Hot_Box_4574

NTA thinks wife is lazy for hiring housekeeper 💸

Muted-Ad5296 | Muted-Ad5296

NTA but be prepared to be the housekeeper. 😕

enjoyingtheposts | enjoyingtheposts

Cutting down on luxuries during a change in income 💰 makes sense. NTA.

alexiagrace | alexiagrace

Wife wants housekeeper, husband won't pay. NTA, do half yourself.

JsCTmav | JsCTmav

Why part-time retail workers shouldn't aspire to luxury. 🤔

Zeratul1130 | Zeratul1130

Joint budget issues: Wife increased housekeeper frequency without funds. NTA.

owls_and_cardinals | owls_and_cardinals

User questions need for frequent housekeeping, declares NTA. 😎

Prize_Diamond_7874 | Prize_Diamond_7874

Unemployed spouse not entitled to housekeeper, NTA. 👍

Cannabis_CatSlave | Cannabis_CatSlave

Clear arrangement, can't afford housekeeper, NTA. 🤷‍♂️

TheTurtleShepard | TheTurtleShepard

OP is the a**hole for doing all the housework and not setting boundaries. 😠

northwyndsgurl | northwyndsgurl

Compromise is possible, still better than nothing 👍

KettlebellBabe | KettlebellBabe

Cutting housekeeping is reasonable during tough times 👍

Stride101r | Stride101r

User finds husband's refusal to pay for housekeeper funny, declares NTA.

Individual-Theory-85 | Individual-Theory-85

Think twice before having kids with someone who won't help.

Physical_Bug_3537 | Physical_Bug_3537

User calls wife entitled and lazy, NTA. 😠

Educational-Glass-63 | Educational-Glass-63

Weekly cleanings not necessary, NTA for not paying. 👍

EqualTop8734 | EqualTop8734

Fair point, shared expense for agreed frequency. Wife should compromise. 👍

Jerseygirl2468 | Jerseygirl2468

Cleaning is a necessity, housekeeper is a luxury. NTA.

Apart-Ad-6518 | Apart-Ad-6518

Wife needs to put on her big girl panties and clean 🧹

misskittygirl13 | misskittygirl13

User suggests not having kids with entitled wife 😬

SirIcy5798 | SirIcy5798

Compromise suggested for pricey housekeeper - keep everyone happy 🙂

Reytotheroxx | Reytotheroxx

User calls out the wife's laziness, suggests blaming parents. NTA.

UnluckyCountry2784 | UnluckyCountry2784

User suggests wife should live like a pauper 😑

fourbigkids | fourbigkids

Having a housekeeper is a luxury, she can learn to clean 💸🧹

Anxietyprime0117 | Anxietyprime0117

Having a house cleaner is a luxury, wife should pay. NTA.

ExcellentClient1666 | ExcellentClient1666

NTA refuses to pay for housekeeper, wife works part-time 😞

zaritza8789 | zaritza8789

Spouse refuses to pay for wife's housekeeper, calling her entitled 🤔

Rare-Parsnip5838 | Rare-Parsnip5838

User refuses to pay for housekeeper, values self-sufficiency.

newprairiegirl | newprairiegirl

Concerned commenter suggests wife may need mental health assessment 🤔

Old_Society_3463 | Old_Society_3463

User calls wife entitled for wanting a housekeeper 💼👩‍🦳

FormerlyDK | FormerlyDK

User wishes for a housekeeper but can't afford one. NTA.

Icy_Yam_3610 | Icy_Yam_3610

No housekeeper needed if not working. NTA 👍

Yikes44 | Yikes44

Part-time work doesn't excuse spousal responsibility 🤔

koeshout | koeshout

Saving $190 a week could earn you $60,000 in 5 years 💸💰

e38er | e38er

Husband refuses to pay for wife's housekeeper. Commenter says wife doesn't need it, NTA.

Slow_Environment_782 | Slow_Environment_782

NTA commenter argues wife's housekeeper is a silly splurge 💰

Haunting_Cicada_4760 | Haunting_Cicada_4760

Is a clean house excessive? Comment sparks debate 🤔

Justitia_Justitia | Justitia_Justitia

NTA. If she can't afford it, she can do chores. 🤷‍♂️

No_Ad_770 | No_Ad_770

Adapt to life's changes, even if it means no housekeeper. 😊

Immediate_Year_800 | Immediate_Year_800

NTA says housekeeping is great but wife should pay for it 💰

SubstantialQuit2653 | SubstantialQuit2653

User calls out wife for being lazy and entitled. 😑

No_Plankton6448 | No_Plankton6448

Harsh response to entitled wife, warns against having children.

Fickle_Toe1724 | Fickle_Toe1724

NTA prevails, marriage advice takes a sharp turn 😂

Fantastic_Debate_548 | Fantastic_Debate_548

Harsh comment warns against having children with messy spouse. 😱

Militantignorance | Militantignorance

NTA suggests wife's entitled behavior stems from upbringing 👑

faequeen_ | faequeen_

No kids, no excuse. NTA is right to refuse housekeeper.

JJQuantum | JJQuantum

NTA calls out GF's entitlement to housekeeping, no replies.

Mohawk602 | Mohawk602

Unpopular opinion: cleaning is part of being an adult 😐

Exotic_Raspberry_387 | Exotic_Raspberry_387

NTA thinks $190USD a week for housekeeping is too expensive 💰

OhListy | OhListy

Compromise suggested for not hiring a housekeeper. 🙌

swillshop | swillshop

NTA. Wife needs to grow up and stop acting entitled 🤪

Alarmed_Lynx_7148 | Alarmed_Lynx_7148

Insightful comment on the realities of parenthood and domestic help.

kulukster | kulukster

Growing up and taking responsibility for finances, but at a cost 😠

BlackCardRogue | BlackCardRogue

Harsh judgment on wife's cleaning abilities. Relationship advice needed. 😧

mightyfinehotcakes | mightyfinehotcakes

NTA. Paying for a housekeeper every other day? How lazy.

GeekyStitcher | GeekyStitcher

Part-time work, full-time housekeeping? NTA for not paying.

JustSomeGuy556 | JustSomeGuy556

Spoiled wife refuses to do chores, husband is NTA for refusing housekeeper

Akitapal | Akitapal

Cleaning service debate leads to in-law criticism. NTA.

IntroductionPast3342 | IntroductionPast3342

OP's refusal to pay for housekeeper may backfire 😱

Gatodeluna | Gatodeluna

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