Dad Denies Paternity, Ghosts Son for YEARS - Then Does the UNTHINKABLE 👶🏼🙅🏻‍♂️😠

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a doozy of a story for you today. 😳 Imagine being a young mom, left to raise your child alone after enduring traumatic abuse from your ex. 💔 You'd think the father would step up and be there for his son, right? Well, think again! 🙅‍♂️ This deadbeat dad takes the cake for the most selfish and heartless actions. Get ready for a wild ride filled with paternity tests, courtroom drama, and a wedding that'll make your blood boil! 🤬

🍼 A Tumultuous Start: Pregnancy, Abuse, and Denial 😢

pokemom95 | pokemom95

🧬 Paternity Bombshell: The Truth Comes Out! 💣

pokemom95 | pokemom95

😡 Courtroom Drama: Girlfriend's Shocking Reaction! 🏃‍♀️💨

pokemom95 | pokemom95

🎓 Moving On: College and a Fresh Start 📚

pokemom95 | pokemom95

🎂 Birthdays Ignored: A Father's Absence 😔

pokemom95 | pokemom95

💒 Shocking Discovery: Wedding on Son's Birthday! 😱

pokemom95 | pokemom95

📞 No Call, No Card: Priorities Revealed 🙅‍♂️

pokemom95 | pokemom95

📸 Receipts Collected: Exposing the Deadbeat Dad 📝

pokemom95 | pokemom95

🗣️ Family Feud: Defenders and Accusers Clash! 💥

pokemom95 | pokemom95

💍 Fiancé Speaks Out: 3 Years of Absence 😤

pokemom95 | pokemom95

📨 Inbox Attacks: Family's Relentless Accusations 🤬

pokemom95 | pokemom95

❓ The Burning Question: Am I the A**hole? 🤔

pokemom95 | pokemom95

🚨 Deadbeat Dad Marries on Son's Birthday, Ignores Child! 😡

Can you believe the audacity of this so-called father? 🤬 Not only did he deny his own child and put the mother through hell, but he also had the nerve to get married on his son's birthday without so much as a phone call or a card! 📞🎂 The internet was quick to rally behind the mother, calling out the deadbeat dad for his selfish actions. 💪 But wait, there's more! The father's family had the gall to accuse the mother of being the reason the child has no father figure! 😤 The irony is just too much to handle. 🙄 Let's see what the internet has to say about this jaw-dropping situation... 👀

Move on and don't be bitter. Your FB tantrum didn't fix anything ❌

windsofwinterplease | windsofwinterplease

Advice to work through feelings and prioritize child's well-being 👍

DurhamRed73 | DurhamRed73

NTA, focus on raising your kid, he'll see who's there. 🙌

sootymay | sootymay

Family in denial, but your fiancee will be all the father your son needs. Good luck 👍

gestaltdude | gestaltdude

Social media won't fix it, but deadbeat dad is ESH 🤷‍♂️

lc_2005 | lc_2005

Rise above, let him reveal his true character 👌

curbz81 | curbz81

Father denies paternity but mother insists on a relationship. ESH.

sneeky_seer | sneeky_seer

Protecting your son should be top priority. Move on. YTA 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Harsh but honest advice to move on and seek therapy 🙌

DawnWench | DawnWench

NTA comment shuts down entitled family's defense of deadbeat dad 👏

DwightDEisenhowitzer | DwightDEisenhowitzer

Cutting off contact with deadbeat dad and family, NTA 👍

formlessmint | formlessmint

Clear NTA judgement and advice to move on. 👍

Sneaky__Fox85 | Sneaky__Fox85

Taking the high road didn't work, exposing him would've.

Concord2018 | Concord2018

Move on and seek child support. He's not a role model 🙅🏻‍♀️

Mikeeyi | Mikeeyi

Pushing for a relationship with a ghosting, abusive father? 🤔

mrsmiggenspieshop | mrsmiggenspieshop

YTA for publicly exposing personal issues on social media.

75927833 | 75927833

Heartbreaking situation, dad is a terrible sperm donor.

thicklover | thicklover

Obsessing over ex won't help, can't force deadbeat dad. 🙅🏻‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for being furious at ex's selfishness, but focus on therapy and providing a healthy environment for your son. Let ex pile on evidence of his cruelness.

PurpleFlavoredCherry | PurpleFlavoredCherry

Cutting ties with neglectful father for son's well-being 👏

AVDisco | AVDisco

User accused of being obsessed with absent father. ESH.

Cynosure_light | Cynosure_light

Cut off toxic ex and family for child's well-being 👌

chrysavera | chrysavera

Is having an abusive father better than none? 🤔

Kraechz | Kraechz

Engaging with a dissenting opinion: YTA for expecting more from a sperm donor. Focus on your fiancé as a better dad instead.

pf4awg | pf4awg

Ex-boyfriend's lack of involvement hurts, but Facebook drama doesn't help 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Father ghosts son for years, OP gets angry on FB 😠

lookonthedarkside66 | lookonthedarkside66

Ex denying paternity, better for son to have stability 👍

luckydidi18 | luckydidi18

Cutting out the dad might be for the best 🚫. ESH

The_Jazzman_8 | The_Jazzman_8

Don't air your dirty laundry on Facebook, focus on your son 👍

Weary_Strategy5078 | Weary_Strategy5078

"NTA" Dad denies paternity and ghosts son for years. Son's response.

vmt_nani | vmt_nani

Mother's refusal to accept reality and focus only on ex sucks 😒

des1gnbot | des1gnbot

User thinks OP is the a**hole for FB post.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Shaming ex won't make him a model father. ESH. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Threadheads | Threadheads

NTA - Brutal honesty may be hard to swallow, but not wrong.

kaceymckenonne | kaceymckenonne

Cutting ties with deadbeat dad for son's sake 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respect yourself and move on. Don't obsess over him. 🙅🏻😠

PGTips240 | PGTips240

Mom called out for creating drama instead of focusing on son 🙅🏻‍♀️

NoApollonia | NoApollonia

Ex denied paternity, NTA for moving on with fiance. ESH situation.

PhotoKada | PhotoKada

Focus on your son and values, forget the deadbeat ex 👍

Rishabhred | Rishabhred

Choosing to keep deadbeat dad away from child is NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Admitting fault, suggesting alternative, and ending conflict. 👍

cassowary32 | cassowary32

Fight for your son's future and let love win. ❤️

unofficialShadeDueli | unofficialShadeDueli

OP wants dad involved despite him giving up rights. ESH.

Scary-Outside2164 | Scary-Outside2164

Don't create social media drama over an absent father. ESH 🤢

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stop obsessing over absent father, focus on loving fiancé 💖

teddywestside_5 | teddywestside_5

ESH, but dragging him on social media was petty 🙅🏻

tskfreak402 | tskfreak402

ESH. Commenter calls out immature behavior in a dramatic situation. 🤣

MavraTheZombie | MavraTheZombie

Don't let a deadbeat live in your head rent-free. Focus on the kid 👨‍🍳

HarryTwigs | HarryTwigs

Move on, block him and his family, he's not coming back 👋

barnescando | barnescando

Pushing an absent father on a child can be harmful. ESH.

MasterEchoSE | MasterEchoSE

Parenting is a two-way street 👬🏻👨🏻‍👦🏻. Accept his decision and move on. YTA.

Don_Rickles_Tickles | Don_Rickles_Tickles

Decide what you want from your ex for your son's sake 🤔

soulcaptain | soulcaptain

Parenting is not just about financial support 👍. But if he denies paternity, leave him alone.

IDontAgreeSorry | IDontAgreeSorry

OP's toxic mentality and FB stalking is ESH material. Therapy recommended.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Posting on FB in a rant is ESH, did nothing to improve the situation 🙅🏻

brita998866 | brita998866

It's understandable to be upset but he didn't want a child 🙅‍♂️

SnooPandas9209 | SnooPandas9209

Father denies paternity and has been clear about his involvement. ESH.

SereniaKat | SereniaKat

Move on and have a fantastic life 💪, forget the ex 😠

KitchenCellist | KitchenCellist

Focus on the positive, let your son have a relationship with in-laws

hhmene | hhmene

Debate over parental rights and responsibilities, ESH for their actions.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Brutal honesty. Bringing father back hurts son more. Let go.

stoneballoon132 | stoneballoon132

Real talk 👍. It's time to focus on your son.

gingerbeard1775 | gingerbeard1775

Co-parenting with an absent ex is tough, but public shaming won't help. Focus on your son. 👨‍🍳

Whiteroses7252012 | Whiteroses7252012

NTA comment: Deadbeat dad gets karmic retribution but move on.

FloofySkuntank | FloofySkuntank

Father denies paternity, gives up custody, NTA in this situation.

Lynnm225 | Lynnm225

Documenting experiences for son's future: a thoughtful gesture. 📝

jalyynx | jalyynx

New wife deliberately planned wedding on son's birthday. NTA.

Motherofbears333 | Motherofbears333

Petty social media post - ESH. Ignore him like he did you.

Burmy87 | Burmy87

Calling out an absentee father, but questioning the need for abuse.

Silent_Tome | Silent_Tome

Focus on being a good parent, not bashing the absent dad. 👨‍🍳👍

Sherib3 | Sherib3

NTA mom receives unsupportive reply, told to have some pride.

TheHappyCamper1979 | TheHappyCamper1979

Father cleared of paternity, not obligated to maintain relationship.

re_nonsequiturs | re_nonsequiturs

Protecting your child should be your priority, time to move on. 👏

Crazy_Comment_Lady | Crazy_Comment_Lady

Parent shares experience and reasons for ESH verdict, warns against father's control

cdiddy19 | cdiddy19

Prepare for bio-dad's arrival, ESH but understandable decision. 🙅🏻‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

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