11+ Pics For People Living In Crisis Mode

With every new day comes a brand new reason to stress. Honestly, it's just a vicious cycle of concern for the future and struggling in the present.

If you don't view life like it's one terrible roller coaster ride of unknown insanity, then you're definitely not going to enjoy this article. If you're anything like me, you'll probably relate to every single pic you see, which will hopefully make you feel less alone in this terrible ordeal we call life.

1. Welcome to my life. 

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

This is honestly to most relatable sign I have ever seen. I mean, it applies to my life so much so that it almost hurts to look at.

2. Sometimes amidst the chaos, you just need to find your calm.

Reddit | lavalampdreams

You don't necessarily need to dance in the rain, you just need to tolerate being wet, which is always easier said than done.

3. They warn you about the unseen costs of having a pet, but they never warn you about the fact that your pet literally eats money.

Yaplakal | Yaplakal

I don't even think this bill is usable anymore.

4. Honestly, it's the only safe way to cope with my utter disdain for humanity.

AcidCow | AcidCow

At least this way no one gets hurt and I can finally be at peace. It's totally a win-win situation.

5. Consider this the most adorable cry for help known to man.

The Chive | The Chive

Something like this says, "I'm into eclectic decor, but I also have a dark side," and I'm here for that vibe.

6. Getting in shape is never simple. 

AcidCow | AcidCow

Between the supplements, the workout regimes, and the dangerous bar-balancing act, it might be easier and safer to just accept your mediocre physique.

7. Dave is gonna be so pissed when he sees this, but I guess that's the whole point.

The Chive | The Chive

I guess Dave should have thought about how Dave's actions impacted those around him.

8. What insanity must have gone down to have this situation come to fruition? 

The Chive | The Chive

It's an actual question — I need to know. This picture just has too much happening behind the scenes.

9. If you thought that tubing was a relaxing way to spend a day on the water, then you'd be dead wrong. 

The Chive | The Chive

Judging by the looks of this pic, tubing is the last way anyone would want to spend a day on the lake.

10. Just because you have insurance doesn't mean you can afford the deductible. 

AcidCow | AcidCow

I guess this is a clever way to make the damage work for you. That, or Thor just really hates this person in particular.

11. I guess we know what my next tattoo is going to say. 

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

Now I just need to make an appointment, pick out the font, and accept the fact that things will never really get better.

12. "Go deep sea diving," they said. "It'll be fun," they said.

The Chive | The Chive

The only person having fun under the sea in this pic is the shark, and he's not even a person at all.

13. Romance is truly dead. 

The Chive | The Chive

You can try to revive it, but you will be unsuccessful, wet, and probably bruised. But at least you'll wind up with a photo like this.

14. You see an incredibly creative way to throw out trash cans, I see a bleak cycle that cements the meaninglessness of life.

Instagram | Instagram

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to garbage disposal.

15. Haters will say that this is what happens when women try to have it all.

Twitter | @lillianrose11

I think this is what happens when you have a giant student loan and zero idea how to manage your finances.

16. If you thought broken things can't be useful, then you'd only be partially right.

Reddit | jwed420

Just because you get glass in your hand every single time you scroll doesn't mean you can't open Snapchat.

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